Credit Suisse (now UBS) on borrowed time?

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This has to be the SLOWEST bank crash ever. Shoot, SVB disappears $200 Billion in 3 days and CS has been on this fall for decades.
Remember! Time slows down when you are on the cusp of a black (financial) hole.

But seriously, how the heck is CS still even around or are the feds waiting for Friday at 5PM?
Ruh roh. CS no longer has a financial lifeline. Stock down 25% after multiple halts.

What kind of person/company still has deposits with them?
I've wondered that about Wells Fargo for a long time now. Then I find out my brother still has an account with them.
Saw they just filed to raise about $9B.
There's a "minor" Credit Suisse problem with derivatives that may possibly cause some small glitch:

"The notional value of outstanding over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives rose to $632 trillion at end-June 2022, up from $598 trillion at end-2021"

CS got a loan and all US depositors are backstopped by the fed reserve. Nasdaq way up. Happy days are here again.
The Swiss need to go back to circulating these:

Make no mistake. Credit Suisse is FINISHED, it's just a matter of time and how much more money is thrown at them to keep kicking the can.
Make no mistake. Credit Suisse is FINISHED, it's just a matter of time and how much more money is thrown at them to keep kicking the can.

I guess this is speeding up now. First they have a buyout offer for $1 Billion ($0.26 per share) while it closed at >$2 share on Friday. And then it looks like that even fell through and it might just get Nationalized.

Either way, it looks like CS opens down 90% tomorrow and things are gonna get Interesante.
Add gold backing to the equation and all the loss of confidence disappears. It's a Tier 1 assest now.

Swiss banking giant UBS announces deal to buy Credit Suisse for $3.2 billion in 'emergency rescue'​

The purchase price is $3.2 billion, according to NBC News, and is expected to create the world's leading wealth manager with $5 trillion in invested assets, UBS said.

Swiss banking giant UBS on Sunday said it is buying Credit Suisse, its smaller rival, in what the bank called an "emergency rescue" in an attempt to prevent more turmoil in the global banking market.

The purchase price is $3.2 billion, according to NBC News, and is expected to create the world's leading wealth manager with $5 trillion in invested assets, UBS said.

The stockholders got really lucky to get anything on that deal. They somehow got something while at least one tranche of Bond holders got Nothing. That is really rare and may not stand up to regular bond convenients. They should get paid before stock holders.

Do you like clown shows? The markets don't...

Edit: More context:

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^ Lulz... It's like they want to spark a bank run.
Regarding the AT1 bond issue:


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