Democrats to 'take a hard look' at Durham's probe into Russia investigation

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They're panicked about something... and it's not Durham...

Democrats to 'take a hard look' at Durham's probe into Russia investigation​

Senator Dick Durbin said John Durham's probe into the Trump-Russia investigation signaled 'abuses of power'​

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Dick Durbin, D-Ill., announced that the committee led by Democrats will "take a hard look" into "alleged misconduct" by Special Counsel John Durham as he conducts an investigation into the origins into the handling of the Trump-Russia investigation by law enforcement and intelligence agencies.

In a statement Monday, Durbin referenced a New York Times report that included details about the opening of and actions taken during the investigation led by Durham after he was appointed by former Attorney General Bill Barr, which Durbin framed as "abuses of power."

"These reports about abuses in Special Counsel Durham’s investigation—so outrageous that even his longtime colleagues quit in protest—are but one of many instances where former President Trump and his allies weaponized the Justice Department," said Durbin.

"The Justice Department should work on behalf of the American people, not for the personal benefit of any president, he said.

"The Justice Department should work on behalf of the American people, not for the personal benefit of any president, he said.
and he knows this is the case because of all the Durham 'leaks' I suppose?

of which there have been none.
On one hand you have the article in the OP which is really misleading. On the other hand, you have this article which actually explains what happened.

Durham investigation goes bust: Bill Barr blew up mission to expose the deep state — to save Trump​

Story by Heather Digby Parton • 33m ago

One of the most mysterious chapters of former Attorney General Bill Barr's tenure at the Department of Justice got a little sunlight last week when the New York Times published a deeply reported piece on the Durham Investigation, Donald Trump's "investigation of the Mueller investigation." We knew that Special Counsel John Durham, a man whose reputation was one of seriousness and rectitude, had only brought two prosecutions but failed to win convictions in both. And we knew that there had been turmoil in his office with several people resigning at what seemed to be pivotal moments in the case. But, until now, we didn't know the details — and they are explosive.

The Times story, reported by Charlie Savage, Adam Goldman and Katie Benner, essentially reveals that the investigation which was supposed to blow the lid off of the Russia investigation by proving that it was a "partisan witch hunt," was itself a witch hunt — only on behalf of Trump. Barr was enabling and covering for Trump throughout his tenure as we saw with his preemptive press conference to diminish the Mueller Report and mislead the public as to its conclusions and his willingness to back Trump's strategy to discredit Vote-By Mail during the 2020 campaign. Even when he finally deserted the sinking ship in December of 2020, his letter of resignation showered Trump with praise even as he knew he was plotting to obstruct the peaceful transfer of power. But the Durham investigation was his personal project and it turns out that it was a monstrous abuse of power.

Read the rest here:


Two DOJ watchdog entities will battle over who gets to investigate John Durham for corruption probe​

Story by Sarah K. Burris • Yesterday 6:39 PM

New York Times reporter Charlie Savage was on the team of reporters that broke the recent report that special counsel John Durham and Attorney General Bill Barr were corruptly using the Justice Department in an attempt to discredit Robert Mueller's investigation. The effort failed, but only after nearly four years and $6.5 million in taxpayer dollars.

Two former prosecutors, now serving in Congress, have asked the inspector general at the DOJ to begin a probe into the conspiracy, but there's another entity under the department that could also be jockeying for the investigation: OPR - the Office of Professional Responsibility. OPR was started after Watergate in an effort to ensure the ethical standards of lawyers working under the DOJ.



‘Bill Barr’s Sin’: Trump AG’s abuse of power defense shredded by Mueller vet​

Feb 2, 2023

Trump Attorney General Bill Barr is under fire, after an explosive New York Times report exposed his pressure campaign meddling in the investigation into the Mueller probe. Barr defends himself in a new interview with the LA Times. Senior Mueller probe prosecutor Andrew Weissman joins MSNBC Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber arguing Barr’s actions are an “assault to the rule of law.” 10:21
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