Dems Just Got Hit With a Brutal October Surprise!

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Big Eyed Bug
GIM2 Refugee
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I enjoyed listening to this video. It made me chuckle, smile, and will probably will cause me to sleep better tonight. :)
It's definitely not something you will hear on the local news.
Of course, I like the viewpoint Steve Turley verbalizes.

Nevertheless, folks need to get out and vote on Election Day. Let's overwhelm the communists that are trying to take this country down.

Dems Just Got HIT with a Brutal OCTOBER SURPRISE! (1:14:10)​

Published on Oct 21, 2022 by Dr. Steve Turley​
They tried that already. Monkeypox was a complete failure. Folks were too burned out from Covid to listen.
If the Dems are convinced that they are going to get slaughtered in November, expect a huge false flag very soon. Maybe a small nuke set off in NYC they can blame on Putin. Then, they can suspend the elections under a state of emergency.
Economys been in the toilet, its just window dressing
But they've been hiding it very well. Low gas prices etc. All people see is higher food prices for the moment.

Wait until after the midterms and the D's lose because everyone is watching the election. They'll pull the rug out and blame it on Republicans.
But they've been hiding it very well. Low gas prices etc. All people see is higher food prices for the moment.

Wait until after the midterms and the D's lose because everyone is watching the election. They'll pull the rug out and blame it on Republicans.
I blame the mouth breathers.
Just tossing this out here, maybe wrong place?

Saw some photos somewhere a day ago or so, of Pelosi getting in a car and the agents around here were US Marshals.
The speculation was she was handcuffed and under arrest.

Remembered this don't know if significant, but Pineapple Face was in the custody of US Marshals as well.

Just tossing this out here, maybe wrong place?

Saw some photos somewhere a day ago or so, of Pelosi getting in a car and the agents around here were US Marshals.
The speculation was she was handcuffed and under arrest.

Remembered this don't know if significant, but Pineapple Face was in the custody of US Marshals as well.

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that would be wonderful. Personally I'm losing faith in justice but I still hope.
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