Dip$hits among us (one less)

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Cliff notes version - a flat-eather trvelled to antartica to see the 24 hour Sun and admits he's wrong.
I hope the ignorant bastage had to pay his own way. The annoying part is: *IF* these arseholes (the few sincere, not the scabs) had even listened once or twice in school in math class, they coulda doped it out themselves without going anywhere.

It has nothing to do with intelligence; in fact, if the flat-earther is brilliant he may think up more ways the earth must be flat while using his intelligence to hide the obvious data from himself at the same time. <-- Takes a special kind of ignorance; the higher IQ, the higher the Ignorant Quotient.

"None are so blind as those who will not see." And they can vote.
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... And they can vote.
You don't need to be a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.
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