None of these people are perfect. With a few rare exceptions the industry politics seems to attract an undesirable personality type.
Which is why the American system, as designed, kept government SMALL and WEAK and LIMITED.
We should be asking, why does it matter so much?
And we should be asking, why does it matter so much to Big Pharma and other mega-corporations? This is the naked essence of Regulatory Capture. Buy your regulators.
Finally, we might ask, WHAT is Moderna? They made NOTHING until they brought out this genetic-modification bioweapon, mislabeled a "vaccine." WHERE did their money come from? (from a printing press, of course.) How did it wind up there? WHO took their seigniorage, the gusher of fresh fiat, and gave it to Moderna, and for what purpose? Malthusianism, maybe?
Instead of looking for a Jesus Christ who can resist all this temptation...the wise feudal king who has all power and resists all temptation to abuse it...maybe we should be exploring how the system went wrong. And how to repair it.
Starting with the Constitution. Then on to the Lifer Political Class, with de-facto lifetime tenure.
Then on to how to change it...basically you cannot, under Washington's corrupt rule.
And then on to how to make it casting off Washington's corrupt rule.
It's time for us to break up -- but most people's status quo bias won't let them see it. This free eBook from New York Times bestselling authof Tom Woods makes the case.