Disasters - Hurricanes, Tornados, Earthquakes et al

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If HAARP was used to get rid of people for lithium deposits, it’s a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY! They will be held accountable!

I’m in Charlotte and they have it locked down tight. We have had a HUGE a community support with tons of resources but most are unable to get them in without a helicopter. Roads are destroyed and many more are at risk. We have tons of people ready and willing to go help our neighbors that can’t get in.

Yes it feels like Maui. The storm wasn’t crazy here. Yes we had some wind and rain, but how do you explain massive floods in a mountain area that doesn’t immediately flow down the mountain?Flooding doesn’t last because it’s a mountain. Our neighborhood in Charlotte is graded specifically for flooding because we’re in the foothills of the mountains and we get the runoff waters… what happened there does not make sense naturally. North Carolina gets hit frequently with hurricanes, but mostly on the outer banks, occasionally inland within 1-2 hours of the coast. This somehow hit 5 hours from the coast and dumped more water in the mountains than it did anywhere else along its path although hurricanes are known to weaken over land?! You don’t have to be a meteorologist to say this was not natural.

Many people dead and children now without parents.
To refresh your memory, FEMA is the Federal Emergency Management Agency, part of the Department of Homeland Security, and Alejandro Mayorkas is the 7th U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security. He's talking about funds for Americans who suffered massive losses from Hurricane Helene—among other emergency funds.

At least 215 people have died since the hurricane made landfall in Florida a week ago. More than half of the deaths occurred in North Carolina, where fast-moving floodwaters wiped out entire communities.
Hundreds are still missing, and officials are struggling to identify some of the deceased.

The preliminary damage estimate is up to $34 billion. Yet, according to Secretary Mayorkas, the money isn’t there.

Now, $34 billion is a huge sum, but the U.S. has spent at least twice that on Ukraine, and some estimates say up to ten times as much. The money IS most certainly there—just not for the Americans. Even though IT’S THEIR HARD EARNED MONEY.

What a disgrace! How do Americans tolerate this?

(https://t.me/infodefENGLAND)📱 InfoDefens (https://t.me/InfoDefAll)e (http://cat.general/)


I walked to Chimney Rock for answers... Hurricane Helene Aftermath​


A lot of people have been asking how they can help. Here's what I saw October 1st:

I think the area is starting to get saturated with very legitimate help. I'm not sure how many more hands on deck are needed but I could be wrong. Water is the obvious thing needed since water systems have been compromised/contaminated so if you can find a reputable organization to donate to for water and food, that's a good idea. I was in Swannanoa this morning - they were hit HARD. The river swept through there killing people, reducing homes to rubble, and destroying businesses. I saw random people there just setting up tents with water, food, coffee, snacks. I think that's a great idea as people are in clean up mode, exhausted, sad and they need these things - they can't get these items anyway because maybe their car was crushed, their road is washed out, power is out so grocery stores are closed, etc. People need fuel for their generators (lines are hours long at the stations that are open).

There are communities stuck on top of mountains due to their only line of access being completely destroyed with no hope of it being fixed anytime soon. They're requiring air drops and rescues and these guys seem to be doing a good job if you'd like to donate - Aerial Recovery Group (links below).

Wellness checks in the region are a good idea. A friend sent me https://www.unitedway.org/ as a way to sign up to do wellness checks if you're local. I'm not sure how that organization works but it's an idea. You can also look in forums and see people asking about specific addresses.

Crazy thing is, this is just a few communities. Asheville, Hendersonville, Burnsville, this whole region, needs assistance. People are coming to help in big ways now, though. I met a group down in the river today from Myrtle Beach, a search and rescue team. I talked with some Cajun Navy people on side by sides today. The more the merrier.

Aerial Recovery Group:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aerialrecov...

Many people are asking what they can bring or what to donate. It's hard for me to answer that. Please go on facebook and search for a reputable organization, where they are, and what they need. Someone like local churches, Samaritan's Purse, Cajun Navy 2016, etc. There are a lot of good organizations here right now but I don't know them all.

Gripping Tragedy in the Wake of Helene - Peak Prosperity​

In this "Off the Cuff" we’re joined by Cody, a lifelong resident of Western North Carolina, who shares an emotional, firsthand account of surviving a catastrophic storm that devastated his community. Cody, who has lived in Fairview with his wife and son, describes how an area known for its refuge from storms became the epicenter of destruction. From mudslides that wiped out homes and cut off roads to the shocking reality of food and water shortages, Cody takes us through the harrowing events of that day.
I for one am absolutely gobsmacked, at the open crimes against humanity that FEMA is now pursuing. Chris Martinson at Peak Prosperity, has reported from sources that the whole Chimney Rock area has been bulldozed, WITHOUT body recovery, with no shelter or funds for survivors, and denial of any sort of cash relief. The sources say they've been told the town will not be rebuilt.

I expected we'd break down in civil war, but I didn't think that smooth-brain low-wattage dolts like Adam Schiff would openly either precipitate a weather disaster (HAARP, which no one is credibly denying) or at the very least, USE one to steal land. For what? LITHIUM? Battery cars are a toy. If we are forced to use them, people WILL NOT HAVE cars. And won't need that GD lithium.

I don't doubt that the bidenistas are crazy enough to do that - especially Mayorkis; but I'm SHOCKED that CONgress has not demanded IMMEDIATE explanations.

I guess it's more-or-less to be expected that people on the ground haven't risen up. History shows that, plainly.

But this is the beginning of the end. Even if we wind up in some sort of hellscape tyranny, I just devoutly pray that the clowns in the White House are messily, painfully, reduced to ambient temperature.
Seeing all kinds of crazy stories and I have no idea what the truth is but I suspect it is somewhere in the middle. There is a reason for that though. This storm hitting this area was unprecedented in modern times. Now there are god only knows how many people stranded over an area that covers 5 states as far as I know and people are complaining about FEMA on day 2? Fema is more than likely overwhelmed and under staffed. The last thing that want is a bunch of yahoos with a helicopter flying around and causing even more havoc. In a perfect world someone should be taking the private peoples names and numbers and or staging them in a certain area to bring them into the mix to help out. Seems like the States would be better at that than the feds. the states know the areas and the people whereas the feds only have a general overview.
So why are they saying they have no money?

WHILE...DENYING access to the area for private rescue operations?

AND while NOT recovering fatalities? This is unheard of - and unbelievable.
So why are they saying they have no money?

WHILE...DENYING access to the area for private rescue operations?

AND while NOT recovering fatalities? This is unheard of - and unbelievable.
I have seen people saying that they say that but I haven't seen any government officials saying they are out of money to help. The backlash to congress critters would be horrendous.

I have seen reports of private rescue operations requisition horses and mules to get supplies into areas that are going to be very hard to access in any other way.
Not sure about the fatalities but it could be that focus is on helping those still alive to survive rather than mopping up the dead. Priorities.

Couple saved in volunteer chopper rescue reunited, met with "angry" fire department at landing zone​


Just got off the phone a Pastor in the midst of the flooding in TN/NC. He is in one of the most devastated locations. He verified a few things about the situation:
- Almost all help is being done by private citizens, mainly churches.
- Private helicopters are flying in the vast majority of the supplies.
- Local Sheriffs are telling people to feel free to defend their property from looters by whatever means they have.
- WROL (Without Rule of Law) is happening in some areas, which means looting, robbing, and etc.
- FEMA's involvement has seriously complicated the rescue efforts.
- Local Sheriffs have threatened to arrest FEMA workers if they hinder rescue and aid work.
- The response to this tragedy has been massive and overwhelming. All from private individuals and local Churches.

Pray for these people!

SpaceX engineers are trying to deliver Starlink terminals & supplies to devastated areas in North Carolina right now and @FEMA is both failing to help AND won’t let others help. This is unconscionable!!They just took this video a few hours ago, where you can see the level of devastation: roads, houses, electricity, water supply and ground Internet connections completely destroyed. @FEMA wouldn’t let them land to deliver critical supplies … my blood is boiling …

EXCLUSIVEFEMA whistleblower details 'waste' of taxpayer funds and staff waiting in hotels during Hurricane Helene​

So... Blinken wasn't the only one that is completely tone deaf...

The replies to KH's tweet are roasting her.
Bill's Commentary:

"Massive chemtrails in North Carolina just prior to Helene. You don't believe in weather manipulation? Can you say HAARP? If you cannot, please do yourself a favor and learn about it as it is very real. If you say HAARP, chemtrails and weather manipulation do not exist, please kiss my ass!"

Cloud-seeding has been a project since the 1960s, when it was openly-reported research and experiments.

It went dark sometime in the 1970s, and we can see why.

CHEMTRAILS are a false-flag...a completely-idiotic fabrication, for the radio kooks and others to pick up (Art Bell and Alex Jones, before he had a name) that anyone with any understanding of equipment...of PROCESSES...could SEE was idiocy. To spray something out of a plane, it first has to be added into a plane. Persons doing the spraying have to have controls. If - ignoring the chemistry in fuel combustion - it was put into fuel, then there are records of the ADDITIVES. Just as we know about ethanol and MBTE added to gasoline - along with a dozen other contaminants - we'd know about this mysterious chemical.

Cloud seeding is done in select patches, to form condensation where it wouldn't ordinarily form. To either intensify a front that would occur, or drain the moisture out of the air before it reaches a land mass - creating dry weather for farmers.

HAARP I know little about - whether it's radio waves, pressure wave formations, cloud-seeding, or combinations. But I guarantee the condensation trails from jets, which have been around since the first 707s - and I know, when I was a kid we lived under the approach to Hopkins Airport, an early jet facility...those are NOT something new, sinister, or overly toxic. We used to watch them in 1964, they were a novelty. The jets messed up television reception, too; and were loud.

But I know a lot about human psychology - you don't have elaborate operations without machinery and/or chemists adding the compound in. Who eventually turn whistleblower.

Two separate issues - one, needs exploring, but the other, nonsensical.
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