Does SIZE Matter?

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My four close childhood buddies from High School all have been married for more than half a century. Same ethos.

Mebbe it was something in the water.
It was ethics of a different time.

I think back, and of my friends' parents' marriages, I can't think of any that were really more than pleasant.

But they all stayed together. Half of them had the parents with separate bedrooms. A couple didn't even really talk to each other. But divorce wasn't the fashion...the understanding was, "luuv" was nice, but marriage was more than what a couple of randy kids felt, years ago.

But today, commitment, duty, understanding one's place - be it, the breadwinner, or the homemaker, or even the middle-aged single person making a move on someone else who was inconveniently married...what you WANT, and what CAN be, we knew, back then, were often different.
Wise advice from someone who has gotten marriage right.
I don't think it's in the water. It's in the generation. Later generations wrecked the institution, The permit to do something that is otherwise illegal known as a marriage license has been a disaster. Look it up. Marriage licenses did not become en vogue until 1910-1940
Always had enough here but technique was key and was always my strongest advantage. Younger girls were the hardest to plunge on because they were to tight and set off the gieser to fast. My bad no, Viagra back in those days. 29 yo and up were the best, they had already settled down though nearly all of them were first on the sofa to get screwed off it and right up the wall. then there those lady's that were always ready when you got home, out of the pool or hot tub. Made me feel like, good grief is it time for me to perform again? Sometimes a guy wants to rest, get a little sleep....
Woman never treated me all that great. For marriage there must be Love. Therefore Needless to say, never married...
Oh and still Single Ladies!

Oh and by the way, contrary to popular opinion and the universal law there are exceptions to the rule of gravity. Gravity by its own nature eventually all things find their way back down to the Earth. this is not been my experience. Overtime if you get say overweight or water retention Luigi finds its way up way back up into the dog house rarely ducking out. This is why Viagra is a great thing but a word of caution with Viagra that isn't on the bottle. If you take a Viagra just one you are going to dry your maid out you have two choices you can slap on a glob of Kama Sutra lotion and lube it up but it ain't the same for her because she's got nothing left to give. So your answer may choose to have a reserve standing by, your lady likely will not argue because she will be relieved for the break and you spent to put up a fight. However if you feel sensitive to her emotions you're probably going to be screwing your fist all night long. So be warned. I'm sure many of you have already experienced this phenomena.
Very true. In fact I have a Marriage Certificate 'somewhere' in the house that I acquired along the way. It's from way back when.

If I recall... 'licensing' marriage happened when a black man and a white woman in Illinois wanted to cohabitate.

That union was considered illegal unless licensed by the state. The state 'licenses' what otherwise would be illegal.

Marriage has never been 'illegal'.

One 'married' by soliciting the services of their church. It was recorded in the church records and in the family bible. The church issued a 'certificate' of marriage.

Just try to get a woman to understand the difference.


Fewer women or as intelligent back then as today. Back then men were perfectly willing to throw themselves into marriage to consummate the deal thus getting some tail before they ran off to throw themselves into another country as cannon fodder. They would often re-up once or twice knowing well the percentages of women that would fornicate thus getting them out of the whole mess. I think the men were pretty intelligent back then. The worst that could happen to him as they guy and that's going to happen anyway eventually. No I'm not saying all women would conducting ourselves and such a way but the percentage was pretty high. If you got one that didn't and you managed to come back with your body intact and your mind intact he probably had a terrific marriage the rest of your life with all kinds of children and grandchildren now or more. If the woman failed what she didn't have to wait all those years as a virgin and the man came home to a whole new playing field but he still was the first for that one that he wanted before he left. Remember everything is measured in percentages and odds it's kind of like a crap table. Only a year not playing she is, and The House almost Always Wins. Now if you were one of those mealy mouth guys it didn't go to war to defend this country then you had to get out of the way when the ship came in and dumped 5000 guys on your beaches rode your girls hard and put them away wet sometimes knocked up with not even knowing who the father was. I just don't know it doesn't sound like a good idea to me. As you can see I have thought long and hard about this much like those guys that left for overseas. Any of them in and thought like that we're very cool calm and collected they usually came home and they were usually redneck country boys. Many of them sat in their arm chair while they're good wife brought them a beer cup of coffee bowl of ice cream as they watched Sanford and Son and bunker oh and most important Laugh-In with Goldie Hawn the Cameron Diaz of the day.
Sigmund Freud would agree with you.
And boy! Did Siggy ever have his problems... He is on the Unca Walt shitlist in spades, doubled. Digression here, but 99% of people do not know what a total POS he was.

1. He was an avid cocaine addict:

"An enthusiastic user and promoter of cocaine, he used the substance frequently until his death in 1939. In fact, he was so fond of the drug he actively distributed it among his friends and associates which in some cases resulted in drug addiction, as with with close friend Ernst von Fleischl-Marxow."

2. He defended child molestation:

His theory was named infantile sexuality. "He actually, seriously presented a theory where the cause was not adults preying on children but that the child itself is lusting over his/her parents and seeking bodily/sexual pleasure thereof."

3. He despised women:

"He considered women to be weak, vain, jealous and lacking a good sense of justice. He believed that women’s problems in essence stemmed from them not having a penis. He even went as far as claiming that women are the problem in society."

4. Molested by his father.
5. More.
Yep, Most Family Records were kept on blank front pages in the Family Bible(s).
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