Dollar gaining strength - how long before Fed intervention?

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USERX (gold stock mutual fund) potentially had a life run low yesterday. It was a doozy too. Averaged 5% down for 5 days. Typically, that marks a major low. The only issue with that indicator is that it only managed to get that signal because it had a sizable dividend so it's unclear if it's a real signal or not.

I think the consensus of s kicking around for a few weeks is probably right.. I could see a 5-10% rally over the next couple weeks but that's about it.

That's about how I see it, absent some other headline that throws the markets into a tizzy:flail: - given what's on the table, I think some bizarre headlines are highly likely. Seems like the wins will go to the swift for awhile. Or at least I prefer doing the work to be swift over just hoping and holding my nose.
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