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I'm a bit conflicted on Massie to a cabinet position. He is an important voice in the House and I hate to lose that. But he has always been passionate about agricultural issues, so he should be pretty effective in the post.
Massie was the only republican who stood up to AIPAC...I expect he will be fired quickly if he takes that job. AIPAC owns Trump. Jmho
Trump already working before the election! (He's been the Commander In Chief all along).

RFK JR: "When I was on the plane the other day with President Trump he took a piece of paper and drew a map of the Middle East with all the nations on it. Then he wrote in each country the troop strength. He was looking at the border between Syria and Turkey and asking questions about the men to his generals."

TUCKER: "Wait, you're saying that Trump drew an accurate map of Middle east with troop strengths?"


Tuckers reaction is incredible.
We knew we were going to war for israel, no surprise they prepped him well....
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