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psyop by ex US military

OAN's Scott Wheeler interviews Pentagon whistleblower Dr. Jay Michael Waller​


Left is a Vicious Wounded Tiger, They Want Us Dead – Larry Klayman​

Renowned Attorney Larry Klayman, founder of Judicial Watch and later Freedom Watch, has been fighting government corruption and winning for decades. Today, the fight has turned into an all-out war and fight to the death. Klayman explains, “Bottom line is we have been in a war, but now we are at red alert. The fact that Donald Trump has been reelected the 47th President of the United States with the popular vote and an overwhelming landslide in the Electoral College, the Left is on the run, but it’s stung. It’s like a wounded tiger. It’s vicious. It will fight back. . . .

You are going to see the Left in the streets, ultimately. It will probably be in days, if not weeks. You are going to see a repeat of what we saw with Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA, radical Palestinians and others. They are going to be coming for us. Frankly, and this sounds extreme, we saw the assassination attempts . . . . and Kamala Harris and Biden calling Trump Hitler, calling them garbage and calling us garbage, they want us dead. Let me repeat that. They want us dead. . . . They are like rats leaving the ship. The time to peacefully and legally crush them is now.”
I'm wondering what happens when grannies and grandpa's social security check gets cut...or doesn't come at all.
They counted ballots til they won!

JUST IN: Eric Hovde, GOP Senate candidate in Wisconsin, concedes Senate race to Tammy Baldwin (D)

He has DENIED to ask for a recount.

"Without a detailed review of all the ballots and their legitimacy - which will be difficult to obtain in the courts - a request for a recount would serve no purpose... because you would just be recounting the same ballots regardless of their integrity."

"As a result, and my desire to not add to political strife through a contentious recount, I have decided to concede the election."
And if they keep counting long enough Trump will lose too. Getting closer in PA, Wi and Mi. Turns those 3 and Kamala is President.
The PA SC rebuked the dems counting of illegal ballots and once again said no. This should put an end to it but now there is a mandatory recount and no way to separate out the ballots that were illegal since they are no longer in the envelopes they arrived in.

Time to hit twitter and see what Lara is up to. She did a good job up until the election was over.
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