Electric school bus fleet in Beverly, MA

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Nice climate pollution = carbon footprint!
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This disturbs me. They've got a whole fleet of EV buses.

Can you imagine 40 little kids trying to get out in the time it takes this example to make it impossible?

Check it in seconds:

The idiots have seized control.

Rational men are being...rational. Thinking this to death. Using restraint where it's not the solution.

But while elections are being stole...their stupidity is on open display. We see it in their "public health mandates"...and we see it in their Command-and-Control influence on vehicle choices.

This is gonna be a "problem" for the Post Orifice, too, which has been ordered to buy a large percentage of their new trucks, battery-powered. Mailmen and mail bags, going up in flames. And just as with the Clot Shot, the morons will be making excuses for the exploding mail trucks and destroyed mail.
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