entire EU bans david icke for two years

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things that (satanic communists) do for 200, alex

The public speaker and former BBC television host was due to attend an event in Amsterdam this weekend, but will now reportedly be prevented from entering any country in the European Union for a period of two years.

“Received an email from the Dutch. My dad, David Icke, has been banned from entering the EU for two years,” tweeted Gareth Icke. “They claim he is a “level three terrorist,” he added.

Received an email from the Dutch. My dad, David Icke, has been banned from entering the EU for two years.

They claim he is a "level three terrorist".
— Gareth Icke (@garethicke) November 3, 2022
“The old man is banned from entering the Netherlands,” wrote Icke in another tweet. “Zero convictions, zero crimes committed. Banned by the government. Wow.”

The old man is banned from entering the Netherlands.
Zero convictions, zero crimes committed.
Banned by the government
— Gareth Icke (@garethicke) November 3, 2022

David Icke: UK conspiracy theorist banned from dozens of European countries​

British conspiracist David Icke has been banned from entering dozens of European countries for two years because he "poses a threat to public order".

It is part of restrictions placed on him by Dutch authorities to stop him from attending a planned weekend demonstration in Amsterdam.

The former footballer has already been removed from Facebook and Twitter for spreading misinformation about the COVID-19 pandemic.

His claims have been amplified by far-right Dutch politicians.

Dutch Justice Minister Dilan Yeṣilgöz-Zegerius told reporters on Friday that the fundamental rights to freedom of speech and the right to protest were "not limitless".
wonder (who) runs the schengen system?

Icke was due to speak at a demonstration in Amsterdam on Sunday against the Ukraine war, the Dutch government and energy prices.

"With this letter I inform you that you have been flagged immediately in the Schengen Information System for two years and you are not allowed to enter the Schengen area," said the letter.


Dutch Justice Minister Calls for Ban on Antisemitic Conspiracy Theorist David Icke Ahead of Planned Weekend Rally​



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This really upsets me. David has been at this for almost 30 years. I think his reptilian views branded him a nutcase. Now all his predictions are coming true and his audience is growing. Now they want him eliminated. Pray for him.
... That they are so scared of Icke speaking in public proves that much of what Icke says is correct, ...
That is not correct. It only proves that the EU does not like his speech. Veracity isn't a requirement for censorship.
That is not correct. It only proves that the EU does not like his speech. Veracity isn't a requirement for censorship.
Correct, "proof" is not the same thing as "evidence". I caution people to be careful with their words. Words convey distinct meanings for a reason. Words are power. We must wield our words wisely.
That is not correct. It only proves that the EU does not like his speech. Veracity isn't a requirement for censorship.

Not allowing someone to speak because you Don't like what they have to say is the DEFINITION of censorship.

"for the purpose of suppressing parts deemed objectionable"
Not allowing someone to speak because you Don't like what they have to say is the DEFINITION of censorship.

"for the purpose of suppressing parts deemed objectionable"
I believe what PM is saying is, just because something is being censored doesn't automatically mean it's "the truth".
The Eu did David Icke a favor. The sheep in the EU won’t listen anyway, let him find a more appreciative audience elsewhere that will value his words. The EU saved him a lot of grief.
The Eu did David Icke a favor. The sheep in the EU won’t listen anyway, let him find a more appreciative audience elsewhere that will value his words. The EU saved him a lot of grief.
This will give him more credibility in the US. Perhaps that was the intention. He never had any credibility with me.
That is not correct. It only proves that the EU does not like his speech. Veracity isn't a requirement for censorship.
*Man-made climate change is a fraud meant to control people.
*There is centralized defacto global government run by the WEF/ central banks.
*The pandemic was orchestrated to consolidate the power of the WEF/ central banks.
*The injections are neither safe nor effective, and the digital ID and CBDC are being pushed to enslave people.

The above is David Icke's position in a nutshell. If these things are false, what is the motivation of the EU to refuse Icke entry into the Eurozone?
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