Social investing platform eToro is set to offer trading services of crypto and other assets direct to Twitter users via a new partnership with the social media company, the firm announced Thursday.
The feature will provide Twitter users searching for "$Cashtags" like $TSLA or $BTC with real-time prices for cryptocurrencies, stocks and other assets, and direct them to the eToro platform to invest in them.

EToro to Offer Crypto Trading Directly to Twitter Users
The new partnership will see the social investing firm provide Twitter users with real-time prices for crypto, stocks and other assets while directing them to the eToro platform to invest.
Perhaps I've been living under a rock, but I never heard of eToro before. Looks like they offer 0% commission trading for stocks/ETFs. They have some sort of Twitter like social network built in with a "copytrader" feature that lets you copy another trader's crypto trades. Not currently available in Hawaii, Minnesota, Nevada or New York. They claim to service 140 countries.