European Reality Check

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So Greek banks could 'lend' everyone in Greece a few thousand euro and it would be within the rules ?
Then with 'non performing loans' allowed to die rather than be paid back, as per the new rules being considered, this would be a great way for the Greek people, who have not had an easy time of austerity, to get back at the bastards who have done them down.

Would the Greek gov be up for this ? would be quite popular I reckon (-:
Italy's Five Star and Lega are working to form a coalition. It's looking very anti-EU:


Farage invited Orban to "join the Brexit club":
Gee, seems like the united states of Europe is having lots of problems lately. They keep telling us to be more like them, just like the liberals here tell us we need to be more like Europe. I'd still rather see the U.N. dissolved before they end up establishing a united states of Earth.
Both sides will have a plan B
Its unrealistic to think that even in their arrogant presumption of being in charge, they will not plan for the Italians to do something that would cause (in their view) serious harm to Italy.

My instinct has always been that Germany will roll over and 'print to infinity' rather than let the Euro collapse.
There are too few alive now who can remember and remind us of the effects of hyperinflation

More (long but worth it):
Looks like the EU capitulated and how could they not (thanks France!):

I have doubts about 70% of France's population being willing to crash their banking system over this protest, but even 10-20% participation could cause significant pain I would imagine.

copy (no paywall):

2019 looks like it's going to be serving up a shit sandwich to the world. We are catching up to that can we kicked back in 2008. A decade of NIRP and ZIRP didn't facilitate the growth necessary to keep up with, much less outpace, the debts we were feeding (not just in Europe - everywhere).


So what is the EU going to do about it? Probably nothing because they don't (or won't) have the moral high ground - the big boys in the EU are facing similar downturns in their economies.

Here we go again....

h/t (no paywall):

Italy is going to be a big problem for Germany/France.

It sounds to me like Borghi, et al. see the writing on the wall with the math reality facing the banking system and are trying to protect Italy's gold from the EU. But if the central bank has latitude to "manage" the gold holdings, it likely has authority to lease, lend or participate in gold swaps with it, so it may be encumbered anyway.
Yeah, same as Venezuelas gold is ( was) the property of the people.

Then they give control of it to the pols, cos thats democracy .......
Germany had a great deal of difficulty repatriating her gold. As I recall, a boatload of it was supposed to come back to them from New York, but never did. This [to me anyway] was a huge red light, telling me that the gold was either encumbered in some way, sold or otherwise held back in some way that made it impossible to repatriate it. Some kind of shenanigans was going on and the whole thing just went quietly away.

Meanwhile, China and Russia are gobbling up the worlds gold production like starving raccoons in a trash can. Those guys know what's up. Russia is dumping paper debt as fast as they can, unlike China, who has so much of it that to dump it would mean world wide monetary catastrophe.
Bullshit I say. Brexit is just that, Brexit. No more nannycrats telling them when to masturbate for mommy. Trade will continue as normal because it must. Italy is next, followed by Hungary and Poland.
I know it is but I am entertained by the possibility of the bullshit being 'double edged'

Whoa! This is a full on ursupation of sovereignty. I thought it was an April's Fool joke when I first saw the headline.
Just wow!they've gone full authoritarian. These countries have got to come to their collective senses before it's too late.

This could be significant if it comes to pass:

h/t (no paywall):

Mish posted some background and thoughts on the issue. Of note:
When Japanese gov offerings are less appealing than Italian ones, you have to wonder wtf is really going on.

Its as if all the swans are gently fading through grey to black and it doesnt matter ........

and then...

... the ECB's new head, former IMF Director and convicted criminal, Christine Lagarde ... calling on Germany and the Netherlands to use their budget surpluses to fund investments that would help stimulate the economy, ...

TPTB rewarded Lagarde for her work at the IMF. Who is the new director for the IMF now?

Bazookas to the left of me, bazookas to the right ...
6 days ago:

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2 days ago:
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