everything is rigged, census version

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Ground Beetle
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most troubling aspect of this - nobody with half of a brain will be surprised that (they) have been doing this

not my bold

Republican-leaning states have been shortchanged at least three congressional seats and electoral college votes because their population was undercounted in the 2020 census. Democrat-leaning states received at least one extra seat and vote due to census overcounts and kept at least two they should have lost, according to an analysis of Census Bureau’s post-census survey.

The bureau acknowledged the errors but said there’s no way to correct them until the next census in 2030.
speaking of rigged....our favorite rigger, (zuckerberg) is busy in brazil

As Brazilians are going to vote in Sunday's decisive presidential runoff, a report published Saturday revealed that social media giants Meta—Facebook's parent company—and TikTok are driving traffic to content promoting a military coup to overthrow Brazil's democracy.

The report—entitled Stop the Steal 2.0: How Meta and TikTok Are Promoting a Coup—was published by the San Francisco-based activist group SumOfUs and asserts that "on the eve of the second vote in Brazil's most important election in decades, Meta and TikTok continue to put the integrity of the election on the line through their disastrous recommendation systems."
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