EXPLOSIVE: COVID shots being declared a "bio weapon" in Florida

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Oh, boy. Us purebloods were right all the way from the get-go to the finish TODAY.

In short: COVID shots have cancer-promoting part. Declared a BIO-WEAPON.

Righto, i guess we just pretend this whole time the Chinese have been running Pfizer, Moderna et al—and not crypto-"jew" parasites.
I hope it goes somewhere, but I'm not optimistic.

We've seen how the FedGov criminal cabal just crushes any province that DARES pretend it has autonomy...or that has courts or legislatures that determine facts contrary to the Narrative.
Our own media are too crooked and far too involved in the scamdemic to ever report the truth in this country. But there are loads of studies being done overseas that are exposing the true death rates and causes and linking them back to the experimental injections.

With that said, I still have zero regrets about listening to my "Spidey senses" and refusing the clot shots. And I am still profoundly disappointed in my fellow humans for being so easily convinced that the seasonal flu just up and magically disappeared for a year. And as for the retards who say, "Masking prevented the flu", I simply have no words. I cannot begin to comprehend just how stupid one must be to believe that paper masks stopped the flu but not "covid". People like that should have special license plates on their car so intelligent people can avoid them on the roadways.
What we witnessed was mass formation psychosis brought about by relentless 24x7 "advertising" on what passes for news these days and 50% of the people lapped it up like it was cream. I don't believe it would have worked 50 years ago, but people these days have gotten exponentially dumber as technology has largely allowed them to never learn to think on their own. If our government, with the cooperation of their MSM stooges, were to next tell the American people that there was a new virus out there that couldn't be detected by any medical means and had no symptoms besides a runny nose, but could be mitigated by wearing a colorful beanie with a propellor on top, 65% of the population would be scrambling for beanies with propellors on top and scolding those who were laughing at them. The government made fear a virtue and boy did the people ever try to be "virtuous". PT Barnum was absolutely correct.

My abject disgust for my fellow man has reached all new highs.

Our own media are too crooked and far too involved in the scamdemic to ever report the truth in this country. But there are loads of studies being done overseas that are exposing the true death rates and causes and linking them back to the experimental injections.

With that said, I still have zero regrets about listening to my "Spidey senses" and refusing the clot shots. And I am still profoundly disappointed in my fellow humans for being so easily convinced that the seasonal flu just up and magically disappeared for a year. And as for the <redacted - see forum guidelines on epithets> who say, "Masking prevented the flu", I simply have no words. I cannot begin to comprehend just how stupid one must be to believe that paper masks stopped the flu but not "covid". People like that should have special license plates on their car so intelligent people can avoid them on the roadways.
What we witnessed was mass formation psychosis brought about by relentless 24x7 "advertising" on what passes for news these days and 50% of the people lapped it up like it was cream. I don't believe it would have worked 50 years ago, but people these days have gotten exponentially dumber as technology has largely allowed them to never learn to think on their own. If our government, with the cooperation of their MSM stooges, were to next tell the American people that there was a new virus out there that couldn't be detected by any medical means and had no symptoms besides a runny nose, but could be mitigated by wearing a colorful beanie with a propellor on top, 65% of the population would be scrambling for beanies with propellors on top and scolding those who were laughing at them. The government made fear a virtue and boy did the people ever try to be "virtuous". PT Barnum was absolutely correct.

My abject disgust for my fellow man has reached all new highs.
That just nails it.

Propaganda, we've seen proven once more, WORKS. It works better if the subjects are ignorant and unable or unwilling to use critical thinking. THAT works if the subjects are uneducated.

And THAT can happen when you have a Department of Ignorance, overseeing the Public Fools Systems in the nation.

Public schools were never intended as socialized education. This was to be a COMMUNITY effort, not a top-down government effort. It's Ohio's history I know best - because I was a child there, studying our state's history. When Ohio was organized as a state, 1803, there was no Department of Education. There was no State Board of Regents. There was only a proviso in the State Constitution, of organizing land - each county was to be divided into townships; and each township was to set aside a section of land for community schools. Each county was to oversee public education, and each school was to be run by the village or township it served.

COMMUNITY. Back then, school boards MATTERED. Community standards mattered. Persons of interesting background, like, say, Etta Place (Butch Cassidy's playmate, teacher and prostitute) could, say, teach in some schools...but would be run out of town in others.

Results mattered. Curriculum mattered. Some places demanded religious instruction. WHAT religious instruction? It would be different in Salt Lake City, from what it was in NYC. Some counties wanted accommodation for farming schedules - that young children could chip in; and others wanted allowances for hunting schedules. Because it wasn't sport; it was harvesting MEAT for the families.

All gone, now. The schools have been, first, feminized - as females are eager subjects and participants (both) in mind-control exercises. Then, focusing on the DEVIANT females. Finally, get the sodomites in there to MANAGE these stupid, deviant lesbians who've come to run the government schools.

And now, critical-thinking is not only not taught; it's punished. Like having energy, as little boys do, is punished, and treated as a medical problem.

This is what comes of it. And this is why I think what follows will be WORSE - unless we have a fiscal or government collapse to save us.
Our own media are too crooked and far too involved in the scamdemic to ever report the truth in this country. But there are loads of studies being done overseas that are exposing the true death rates and causes and linking them back to the experimental injections.

With that said, I still have zero regrets about listening to my "Spidey senses" and refusing the clot shots. And I am still profoundly disappointed in my fellow humans for being so easily convinced that the seasonal flu just up and magically disappeared for a year. And as for the <redacted - see forum guidelines on epithets> who say, "Masking prevented the flu", I simply have no words. I cannot begin to comprehend just how stupid one must be to believe that paper masks stopped the flu but not "covid". People like that should have special license plates on their car so intelligent people can avoid them on the roadways.
What we witnessed was mass formation psychosis brought about by relentless 24x7 "advertising" on what passes for news these days and 50% of the people lapped it up like it was cream. I don't believe it would have worked 50 years ago, but people these days have gotten exponentially dumber as technology has largely allowed them to never learn to think on their own. If our government, with the cooperation of their MSM stooges, were to next tell the American people that there was a new virus out there that couldn't be detected by any medical means and had no symptoms besides a runny nose, but could be mitigated by wearing a colorful beanie with a propellor on top, 65% of the population would be scrambling for beanies with propellors on top and scolding those who were laughing at them. The government made fear a virtue and boy did the people ever try to be "virtuous". PT Barnum was absolutely correct.

My abject disgust for my fellow man has reached all new highs.

View attachment 9385
Agree with this with one adjustment; designated centers for prevention would place an invisible beanie on each volunteer's head that can only be seen by those that believe.
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