F-22 Raptor STOPS and reverses direction!! Low altitude. Wow.

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Unca Walt

Immortal. So far...
GIM2 Refugee
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I hadda play this a dozen times to understand what I was seeing:

There's a lot more to the "thrust vectoring" on the F-22 than meets the eye. It defies conventional aeronautics.
Can't begin to imagine the G forces

Well... they're not there based on my conversation as described below.

The last airshow of note down here had a pair of F-22's doing aerial displays. I had the good fortune of scoring access during the trade days before the unwashed descended on the place and had a chance to talk to one of the pilots. When I asked him about the thrust vectoring and the lateral G-forces, he basically said, "what G-forces?".

The same pilot also went pretty much Mach 1.0, a big no no in Australia. He giggled like a school kid when I mentioned it.
Well... they're not there based on my conversation as described below.

The last airshow of note down here had a pair of F-22's doing aerial displays. I had the good fortune of scoring access during the trade days before the unwashed descended on the place and had a chance to talk to one of the pilots. When I asked him about the thrust vectoring and the lateral G-forces, he basically said, "what G-forces?".

The same pilot also went pretty much Mach 1.0, a big no no in Australia. He giggled like a school kid when I mentioned it.
Changing your vector (direction) will create a “g-force.”

And what the hell is “went pretty much Mach 1.0” supposed to mean? .99 mach?
nick: You got this old bastage's heart pumpin' with that airshow.

I flew into that airshow a long time ago. Saw the green flying car, a flying rowboat, and lotsa fun stuff.

A hotdog in an F16 came in and circled the show in an incredibly tight turn. My jaw dropped at how tight it turned. But the astonishing finale was that the plane began to spin vertcally upwards.

It was rotating so fast, I dunno how the fargin pilot stayed conscious. Straight up, spinning... until it was gone out of sight in the clear sky. Jeez.

And the way we all got outa there at the end of the show was sooper fun. The tower said they din' wanna hear any clearance calls and stuff, just line up three abreast and take off. It was a beautiful traffic jam of little airplanes. Looked like carrier takeoffs. FUN.

I was flying a Piper Warrior (my fave), and I had two others, one on each side. NATURALLY there was a race to see who got airborne soonest of the three of us. I used the not-too-safe front wheel bounce trick Crash Craddock** (my old flying deinstructor) taught me and won. YAY.

**My second flight ever. Cessna 152 (Spam Can) He looped the thing with me in it. As time went by and I learned more, I dunno how the wings stayed on that thing. Waayyy over the last breakapart upper limits of it.
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