First suicide pod use ‘soon’ in Switzerland: campaigners

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First suicide pod use ‘soon’ in Switzerland: campaigners​

July 17, 2024

The Sarco suicide pod is expected to be soon used for the first time in Switzerland

The Sarco suicide pod is expected to be soon used for the first time in Switzerland - Copyright AFP Anatolii STEPANOV
Nathalie OLOF-ORS

An assisted dying group expects a new portable suicide pod to be used for the first time in Switzerland potentially within months to provide death without medical supervision, they said Wednesday.

The space-age looking Sarco capsule first unveiled in 2019 replaces the oxygen inside of it with nitrogen, causing death by hypoxia.

The recently-formed organisation The Last Resort said it saw no legal obstacle to its use in Switzerland, where the law generally allows assisted suicide if the person commits the lethal act themselves.

“Since we have people indeed queuing up, asking to use the Sarco, it’s very likely that it will take place pretty soon. But it’s all I can say,” Last Resort’s chief executive Florian Willet told a press conference.

“I cannot imagine a more beautiful way (to die), of breathing air without oxygen until falling into an eternal sleep,” he added.

The person wishing to die must first pass a psychiatric assessment of their mental capacity — a key legal requirement.

The person climbs into the capsule, closes the lid, and is asked automated questions such as who they are, where they are and if they know what happens when they press the button.

“‘If you want to die’, the voice says in the processor, ‘Press this button’,” said euthanasia campaigner and Sarco inventor Philip Nitschke.

He said that once the button is pressed, the amount of oxygen in the air plummets from 21 percent to 0.05 percent in less than 30 seconds.

“They will then stay in that state of unconsciousness for… around about five minutes before death will take place,” he added.

– No way back –

Why not jump off a bridge?

First suicide pod use ‘soon’ in Switzerland: campaigners​

July 17, 2024

The Sarco suicide pod is expected to be soon used for the first time in Switzerland

The Sarco suicide pod is expected to be soon used for the first time in Switzerland - Copyright AFP Anatolii STEPANOV
Nathalie OLOF-ORS

An assisted dying group expects a new portable suicide pod to be used for the first time in Switzerland potentially within months to provide death without medical supervision, they said Wednesday.

The space-age looking Sarco capsule first unveiled in 2019 replaces the oxygen inside of it with nitrogen, causing death by hypoxia.

The recently-formed organisation The Last Resort said it saw no legal obstacle to its use in Switzerland, where the law generally allows assisted suicide if the person commits the lethal act themselves.

“Since we have people indeed queuing up, asking to use the Sarco, it’s very likely that it will take place pretty soon. But it’s all I can say,” Last Resort’s chief executive Florian Willet told a press conference.

“I cannot imagine a more beautiful way (to die), of breathing air without oxygen until falling into an eternal sleep,” he added.

The person wishing to die must first pass a psychiatric assessment of their mental capacity — a key legal requirement.

The person climbs into the capsule, closes the lid, and is asked automated questions such as who they are, where they are and if they know what happens when they press the button.

“‘If you want to die’, the voice says in the processor, ‘Press this button’,” said euthanasia campaigner and Sarco inventor Philip Nitschke.

He said that once the button is pressed, the amount of oxygen in the air plummets from 21 percent to 0.05 percent in less than 30 seconds.

“They will then stay in that state of unconsciousness for… around about five minutes before death will take place,” he added.

– No way back –

How much for those? That could potentially reduce the cost at my Soylent Green factory.
When I saw the title, I thought it was going to be a suicide pod cast, where you could stream your suicide or something.
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