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I have eggs for sale
Thanks for nailing that, Uncle.British farmers have hit out at supermarket chains over the country's egg shortage, arguing that they warned in May there would be empty shelves this winter if they were not paid more for their goods amid rising costs.
Farmers warned supermarkets that there would be an egg shortage in MAY
Farmers asked supermarkets in May for 40p more per dozen eggs, but have so far only been paid more - often making it unsustainable for them to keep chickens.www.dailymail.co.uk
I'm a farmer - I know the real reason there's an egg shortage in supermarkets
A FARMER has claimed supermarkets are contributing to the egg shortage by not paying British farms a “fair price”. Welsh egg farmer Ioan Humphreys said supermarkets are fuelling supply …www.thesun.co.uk
Pumping avian flu is fear-pron.
Golden Regards
Thanks for nailing that, Uncle.
I got pissed when I saw the "Avian Flu" MSM/Gov't bullshit. The rationing problem is due entirely the same "Go Green" idiocy that is destroying Dutch farmers. That crap causes inflation. But I could not find the sauce.
just as importantly they are immortal. also add the so-called charities/foundations to the immortal satanic tribeCorporations are LEGAL CHARTERS
Elsewhere, the EPA has just proposed a Carbon Tax of $6/gallon on gasoline.Farmers should cut out the middleman... sell eggs by the roadside.