For the Libs to see and accept the real Trump statement on the vaxx:

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Unca Walt

Immortal. So far...
GIM2 Refugee
Reaction score
Run it twice. Make sure it is clearly heard.

He also said if ya want it get it, and if you don't, don't get it.

As long as it's 100% voluntary, I don't care if someone else gets it.

I also do not see people around me dropping dead from it.
...and that's not an endorsement of the vax, just stating that I personally see no direct evidence of it having been any kind of a "kill shot".

At this point, it's kind of a moot issue anyways, as eveeyone's choices have been made and the chips will fall where they will.

I think by the end of the decade, we'll pretty well know for sure how safe or not safe the "vax" was.
I think by the end of the decade, we'll pretty well know for sure how safe or not safe the "vax" was.
Each new ‘vaccine’ has an element of needing to cover up previous poisonings of humanity.

In the book ‘plague of corruption’ by Judy Mikovitch, she explains how this has always happened as they try to cover up their evil deeds. An awful lot of us were harmed by the polio vaccine apparently ……..

Go and have a chat to the local mortician, you'll soon be up to speed.
I know it's an embarrassing fact about trump but he pushed this hard and as has been mentioned already, takes credit for pushing this through in record time which in fact, was actually a huge mistake. I'm not saying its a reason to not vote for him. Just pointing out that probably more than 50% of his base didn't agree with what he was putting out there. Remember there were several rallies where he was booed when he brought it up.
So the thread title is a bit misleading in that you dont have to be a lib to not agree with what he was pushing. As I have mentioned before, this isn't a right versus left America anymore, it's now Americans versus big government and the more people that wake up to that fact the more powerful the American people become.
I know it's an embarrassing fact about trump but he pushed this hard and as has been mentioned already, takes credit for pushing this through in record time which in fact, was actually a huge mistake.
I don't disagree. I went into this over 9 years ago knowing that there was gonna be stuff about Trump or things he would do or say that I might not always agree with. The vax thing is one of 'em.
As long as he respects everyone's Right to choose whether to take it or not, he can have what imho is the wrong position on it. Same as any other American.

I just don't see anyone running whose positions, words, deeds, are better over-all.

Imho, there wasn't much wrong with his first three years. Only problem was the dems over the top reaction to their wretched hag's loss. Dems were also the ones who fucked up his last year in office. Dems, and rinos were the ones who insisted on shutting everything down and ruining what had been a booming economy. They are the ones who also insisted that the "vax" be the only way.
Meanwhile Trump wad trying to get us ivermectin and hydroxychloriquine.

If he was wanting to push the jab juice on everyone, he'd have never mentioned those drugs at all.

Because had those drugs been used and shown to work, it woulda stopped "his" vax dead in it's tracks.

Remember, the emergency use authorization requires that NO other drugs or therapy are available to treat the disease in question.

No, if that were "his" vax, no way would he have mentioned those things. Or the other ideas he mentioned and was roundly mocked in the msm for having said.

He'd have shut up and collected millions like fauci and his boys.
...oh wait, kinda hard to pay off someone who is already a billionaire with mere millions.
Problem is, he’s so proud about Warp Speed getting the “vaccine” out. And still brags about it.
It should NOT remain a problem. What he recommended was to use it if you wanted, not use it if you did not.

To stay negative on Trump for that is right up there with knocking Jesus** for lousy backers choices:

One guy ratted, another denied (3X) he even knew Jesus. His staffing sucked, right? So forget Him.

**No, I am not making an equality here.
Go and have a chat to the local mortician, you'll soon be up to speed.
Well maybe, but I, unfortunately, do not know any morticians.

Although I did once know a guy who went to school to become one.

Let's just say that he didn't last very long in school. Just couldn't hang with it once he got a good look at what it all entailed. Lol
One guy ratted, another denied (3X) he even knew Jesus. His staffing sucked, right? So forget Him.

**No, I am not making an equality here.
Yes, no equality there, but it is a good comparison of how a decision that might seem good at the time, may not seem that way in the future.
Trump isn't being kept in the news cycle because he is a threat to the MIC, he is there because he is a part of the keeping America divided program. Whether he is a willing participant remains to be seen; the fact of the matter is that the US of A has never been as fractured as it is today, arguably worse than in the years leading up to the Civil War.

I said this on GiM2, but if Trump were a genuine threat to the MIC, they would have iced him before he even dreamt of running in 2016. I'll contend that there is a very small chance he is the real deal but the fact that he still draws air speaks of the former.
Trump isn't being kept in the news cycle because he is a threat to the MIC, he is there because he is a part of the keeping America divided
America NEEDS to be divided right now. If it weren't, that would mean that tptb would still be getting their way at every turn and the People would be as disengaged from politics as ever.

Trump represents a threat to the status quo. This nation would be radically different had their hag won in '16. Only thing that stopped that, or at the least, threw a monkey wrench into the works, was Trump getting elected.

The vast majority of the US population is completely disengaged from politics, the ones you see on TV from either camp are a very small minority. These aren't the threat to the MIC; it's the ones they don't show but tend to hang around these places that they are deathly afraid of; they can handle a handful, but I'll use that term again:


That scares them more.

I'll agree that he is a threat in so much as that he has (un)willingly woken up many people to see past the bullshit. But is he a direct threat... hell no. We'd be speaking about the conspiracy that resulted in the assassination of POTUS 45 if he was. Now that would have blown up the US.
Plain and simply means, enough to win the vote.

You're not thinking big enough or outside the box.

The vote doesn't matter, it never did. What did matter (and still does) is enough people waking up to pose an existential threat to the MIC just by their mere existence (and sheer numbers). I'll put the Karens that have realised that they have poisoned themselves in that group, they'll be louder and angrier and baying for blood.
We'd be speaking about the conspiracy that resulted in the assassination of POTUS 45 if he was. Now that would have blown up the US.
Still might. I wouldn't put anything past 'em.
One cannot help but see that possibility.

I worry that he will get a .50 cal to the head while campaigning. Below our blended border with Mexico, they have just done that very thing with 37 opponents iced, leaving a commie woman as president.

The reason why I truly fear this is because the rest of us -- all of us reading this -- are like the "Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight". A quote from a mobster who discovered that somehow he got ripped off by a saintly, church-going community while he thought he was running a con on them:

"I'm gonna kill somebody! I dunno who, but I'm gonna kill somebody!"

That's all our Joe Americans ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Right? What, specifically would you do other than figuratively hiding in your cellar to avoid being noticed? Who, specifically, would you shoot?

I dunno either. I have seen some bad shit in my 83 years, but I always had the US flag. Now that flag is in deadly danger and I have no idea as to what I can do about it.

There are Americans everywhere that feel that way. But we are scattered like mist, which can be ignored... as compared to a firehose, which will knock down a wall. <-- THAT is the job Trump has taken on; changing the mist into a metal-cutting stream.

I'm reasonably confident we're about to see the head of the snake... lock and load kids.
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