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The times they are a changing... Macron won't be long for the world...

Belgium has better french fries, but France has great red wine for sure.
That's because the French keep the good stuff for themselves and send the dross to the US.
Pension promises have been made that cannot possibly be met. A revolt is underway in France. What about the US?

Been a while since I saw news for Chicago/Illinois or other cities with pension funding crises.


French Woman Faces $13,000 Fine For Facebook Post Calling President Macron "Filth"​

In an unprecedented case, a woman from northern France is set to face trial for allegedly insulting President Emmanuel Macron on social media.

I did not see any coneheads in the pictures.
France doesn't have a 1st Amendment
Can’t they shore up their pension funds with all the gold they stoled from Libya? Or did the US get that gold?

LIVE: 12th day of national strikes and protests against pension reform in France​



Macron was elected in 2022 to a five year term. The next election isn't until 2027. It remains to be seen if the political winds grow stronger or not over that time.


Marine Le Pen attracting critical mass of support in France​


France to hold crisis meetings over 'scourge' of bedbugs​

Bedbugs have in recent weeks gone from being a subject of potential derision to a contentious political issue in France, with aghast citizens reporting seeing the creatures in locations including trains, the Paris metro and cinemas.

The concerns have gained added weight with France in the throes of hosting the Rugby World Cup and Paris preparing to welcome athletes and fans from around the world for the 2024 Olympics.



* bump *


The French showed up to the polls and very loudly repudiated Macron and the WEF agenda.

Wow. It looks like Macron has totally killed his party. I wonder how much of this is spurred by immigration policy and how much might be related to the farmer revolt.

Wow. It looks like Macron has totally killed his party. I wonder how much of this is spurred by immigration policy and how much might be related to the farmer revolt.
Don't stand in the way of peace??
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