Global Debt Debacle

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You might recall back in April, in post #429 (last page) Goldcore quoted a Bloomberg report stating that global debt had hit $237T. Well, it's only been 3 months or so and it's now being reported at $247T:

It's quite possible that the root sources for the two numbers are not the same and they used different methods for tallying the numbers, so they might not be apples to apples to compare them, but I think it's pretty safe to say that the numbers are going up faster than is sustainable over the long term.

I copied the two posts above from some older, long threads on other subjects to provide some context for this new report:

$65T added in 6 years (since post #1).
Bond holders = bag holders. When the music stops grab a chair quickly.
The fiat wolf huffs
Lungs filling with massive air
Catastrophic puff
Louis Rukeyser used to call the bond traders "ghouls".
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