Gold-Silver Ratio

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Ratio hit 105+/1 earlier today.

So low! :rotflmbo:

Hope it continues "normalizing". I recall when the GSR was around 80/1 and everyone was saying that was so high and silver was ready for liftoff... I guess the economy opening back up again is what is giving silver a bid, but you never really know with these markets.
So after trading sideways for a while, silver seems to be popping again.
heh, same for me.
'Crashing the Morgue' has turned out to be a slow and costly operation .........
youve been watching GSR pretty closely for a long time Jim
Did you sell any gold and buy silver ?

It could still be a good move even now ...........

Im so pissed off with silver ( now only down 25% for me ) that I would rather wait till it goes parabolic again then sell thebloody stuff to buy gold (-:
The G/S ratio ranged between 60 and 90 (roughly) for the last 7 years. Prior to the silver boom around 2011, the ratio ranged between 50 and 80 for the prior decade (more or less). Looking at the historical chart for the last 30 years, outside of short lived spikes/valleys, the ratio seems to range steadily between 50 and 90 (seems like a huge range, but the charts show fairly steady slopes between the spikes). We are exiting a sharp spike in the ratio. It would seem that the ratio is likely to get range bound again for a while (maybe between 70 and 90?).
From the Fringe 27/9/22...

GSR falling against a falling gold price... this isn't typical. Watching the last few weeks of price action I just have that feeling that there is someone stuck in silver. Bash gold to flush liquidity out in silver seems to be the game for now and really it only seems to have started working in the last few days. I think there is more to this story, I will not bat an eyelid if it results in a fast turnaround in silver in the next month or two.

Perhaps stress in forex (yen carry trades?) affecting gold but not silver at the moment?
Perhaps stress in forex (yen carry trades?) affecting gold but not silver at the moment?

I've noted over the years @ turning points the silver shorts bash gold to create liquidity to cover in silver while shying off further shorting silver. Gold is more liquid, easier to get out of and it is easier to create insurance positions with gold options and stocks that are 'unrelated' to the silver trading in the authorities eyes. At these times you see the GSR move ahead of price and you see relative strength in silver.

If I were a bankster that is how I would trade it, as it is I'm just a pirate so while I think like a bankster I'm free lance... LOL.

My 2c worth...

Somebody sure is stuck in Silver all right. All those bagholders at GIM. jk
I'd imagine that central banks can afford to let the metals run a bit before they need to turn Sauron's gaze back upon them. They have bigger fish to fry right now.
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