GOP state senator rubs one out in public (fellow senators pray)

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Republican Senator Arrested For Indecent Exposure Over Disgusting Public Actions​

Aug 16, 2024

A Republican state senator from West Virginia named Mike Maroney was arrested this week after he was caught in an act described as "self gratification" on the gaming floor of a gambling hall. This man is a member of the same Party that tells us that Democrats are the predators and that drag queens are out to pervert our culture, meanwhile they pull stunts like this and act like it isn't "weird." Farron Cousins explains what happened.


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I know this guy. He is a radiologist at our local hospital. He lives about 2 miles away from us.

Some fun facts:
Mike's mother was killed when the trash truck backed over her when she was riding a bicycle in the alley. Mike sued the city and got a multi-million dollar settlement.

A few years ago, Mike was visiting a local house two or three evenings per week to party and hang out. This house had no running water or electricity. There were two skanky druggie girls living there. Rumor has it that these girls were prostitutes and eventually got arrested. No charges were levied against Mike.

Mike met Charlie Sheen at a drug rehab a few years ago and became good friends. Sheen stays at Mike's house regularly. They also party with Lady Gaga, who's mother Cindy Bissett is a local. Cindy was the homecoming queen class of 1972 and graduated in the same class with my wife.

The wife and I looked at a house next door to Mike's a few years ago. This house was built in the late 1800's and has been kept perfectly Victorian since built including tooled leather wall paper. We loved the house except two problems. The basement was only about 5 feet high and it was next door to Mike, so we did not make an offer.
So West Virginia is like CNN?
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