Guess who's upset now about illegal aliens depressing wages

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Everyone should be extremely upset about it.

Having all these tens of millions of illegals (and yes, so-called asylum seekers are just illegals trying to game the system. Only a complete fool would think otherwise) competing for jobs does nothing but drive down wages.

They also add demand for housing that drives the price up for all us us.

Simply put, we do not need them. They need to stay in their own nations where they belong. Them moving here illegally makes our nation worse off. There is no benefit to our nation by having them here. In fact, they are a huge negative and deserve to be immediately arrested and deported.

Edited to add: if we had a gov that gave two shits about its Constitutional duty to its citizens, there'd be a bounty on the head of every illegal in the nation.
NYC on announcing sanctuary city policy:


NYC today:

Politicians work hand in hand with the corporations and do everything they can to extract even penny they can from those they are supposed to represent. Corps want cheap labor to drive up profits so politicians bring in cheap labor.
Stop doing business with the corps and go back to mom and pops shops. Kill corporate profits and they will get the hint.
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