Gunpowder shortage - keep your powder dry!

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Russia and Ukraine were firing up to 60,000 artillery shells a day at one point in their war, and the daily average was roughly 12,000 shells during this spring’s lull in U.S.-backed supplies to Ukraine.

The result has been a global shortage of gunpowder, which is beginning to affect prices for private U.S. consumers.

Alliant Powder, which has supplied smokeless powder to private consumers to reload their ammunition, has suspended sales and canceled outstanding orders, AmmoLand reported.
Global conflicts, particularly the Russia-Ukraine war, have spiked demand for gunpowder, but the U.S. has limited capacity to produce explosive nitrocellulose and gunpowder.

Some reports say that China, a major global supplier of nitrocellulose, has restricted shipments to the U.S.

The result is several “pinch points” that limit what the U.S. can produce.
He said plenty of ammunition is still available to the commercial market but prices are increasing.


Aside from price increases - which are about the same, percentage-wise, as new cars or rent (REAL inflation, about 23 percent per year) I'm not finding any shortages (9mm or buckshot 12g) here in the wilds of Montana.

Perhaps my gun shop hasn't got the word, yet. The telegraph isn't working well, and we haven't seen a Pony Express rider in years. :eek:

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