He simply had too much baggage

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Sam Brinton gives new meaning to the political phrase “bag man.”

The since-fired Department of Energy employee allegedly grabbed a woman’s Vera Bradley bag off the airport carousel in Minneapolis in September, ripped off the tag, and swiftly made his exit. Despite not checking in any luggage, Brinton identifies as innocent.

In July at the airport once named after Pat McCarran in Las Vegas, the nonbinary Brinton allegedly stole a $320 bag containing goods valued in excess of $3,000. A detective working on the case described the culprit as “a white male adult wearing a white T-shirt with a large rainbow-colored atomic nuclear symbol design.” Brinton posted a picture of himself on the day of the Vegas theft in an airport wearing that unique t-shirt, which he called “a great shirt for me to wear on my flight today.”

Nero Wolfe might call that, before eating a sandwich and falling asleep, a clue. Does it make one a Frank Drebin to wonder, given Brinton’s manly mug shot, if the mustache atop red lipstick in the glamour shots served as a disguise?

The gay writer Wayne Besen laments in an important article that it did not take a Sherlock Holmes to suspect Brinton of bad character. His suspicions of shadiness date back more than a decade, when Brinton told stories of victimization leapt at uncritically by gay activists eager to advance their case in the court of public opinion.

Brinton’s inadvertent coming-out story at 11 ended with his dad punching him in the face. He claimed enduring more than a half-dozen trips to the emergency room at the hands of his father, his abuser placing a gun to his head multiple times, an attempted suicide attempt, and, ultimately, banishment from his childhood home.

Amid all that, Brinton claims his family subjected him to torturous conversion therapy involving bindings, ice, heat, and electric shocks juxtaposed with homosexual imagery.

But when Besen, who has dedicated a chunk of his life to combatting conversion therapy, asked him more than a decade ago about the name and exact location of his therapist, Brinton initially did not respond and then essentially claimed a sort of pain-induced amnesia.

“Counselor after counselor has seen me revert to near suicidal tendencies when I try to dig deep into the memories of the time,” Brinton wrote in the comments section at Queerty in 2011, “and I simply don’t have his name. I can picture him clear as day in my nightmares, but his name is not there.”

The answer, coming as it did during a period when Brinton aggressively promoted his “memories of the time,” did not satisfy Besen. It increased his skepticism.

Full article at: https://spectator.org/dont-blame-sam-brinton-they-did-it/
Why hire him? I don't think it was an oversight. His debauched personal life made him an ideal candidate. Which begs the question, why does the deep state want freaks in leadership positions in US government?
Why hire him? I don't think it was an oversight. His debauched personal life made him an ideal candidate. Which begs the question, why does the deep state want freaks in leadership positions in US government?

Probably for much the same reason that they insist on having transvestites read story books to very young children in schools.
Is it all just their plan to take down the USA by completely destabilizing society? Destroy morality and the family unit. Destroy religion. Destroy culture by flooding us with migrant invaders.
Is it all just their plan to take down the USA by completely destabilizing society? Destroy morality and the family unit. Destroy religion. Destroy culture by flooding us with migrant invaders.

Interesting point, but I wonder if the democrats are missing something. The majority of Hispanics are devout Catholics, and they are extremely family oriented. You will have a lot of really pissed off Hispanic parents at school board meetings when their children start coming home from school talking about how transvestites were reading them stories.

The combination of throwing the borders wide open and filling schools with gender-confused trannies may end up backfiring on them.

Brinton’s inadvertent coming-out story at 11 ended with his dad punching him in the face. He claimed enduring more than a half-dozen trips to the emergency room at the hands of his father, his abuser placing a gun to his head multiple times, an attempted suicide attempt, and, ultimately, banishment from his childhood home.
His dad was onto something here...

I wonder how much money a Department of Energy employee make these days?
It's obvious that that boy has more than a few screws loose in his comportment.
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I try not to think if I can help it, but in this case his, thats HIS, acting out his gender fantasies, in public, for public digestion, is absolutely vomitable.
Is it all just their plan to take down the USA by completely destabilizing society? Destroy morality and the family unit. Destroy religion. Destroy culture by flooding us with migrant invaders.
and after getting kicked out of numerous countries....they pose as victims
Samuel Brinton, a former Biden administration official who was fired last year after being charged with grand larceny for attempting to steal luggage from an airport, was arrested this week as a “fugitive from justice,” according to a new report.

Samuel Brinton, a former Biden administration official who was fired last year after being charged with grand larceny for attempting to steal luggage from an airport, was arrested this week as a “fugitive from justice,” according to a new report.

No details yet, but I suspect he either missed a court date or failed to meet regularly with his probation officer. The guy is a complete whack job - it is no wonder the pedophile's administration scooped him up like they did. He fit's right in. :ROFLMAO:

Hey, do you think Pedo Joe sniffed him before hiring him?

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