hearing loss- could kill her

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Yellow Jacket
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tonight we were at church- in the parking lot- a car she did not see was coming as we walked- I said to look out- she had to ask me again what I said- oblvious to the car. That was enough time to have killed her.

I wish she would get a hearing aid.
Penn, I worked as the sextant for the First United Methodist Church for two years in downtown St. Petersburg, Fla. One day after church, they called me to the parking lot. There was an elderly lady who had newspaper taped over every window of her car with a slit to see out of while she drove (she said the light hurt her eyes). She needed help finding her lost car keys. They were on a six inch, fluorescent fishing bobber next the door on the ground (She couldn't see them). She was driving to New Jersey after church. Amazing.
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