PSA: browser extensions get a lot of power over your internet activity. Caveat emptor...
Caveat browser.
What amazes me, is that I see about four or five problems even before the first vid gets into the problems/thefts (3:30 in, so far). FIRST, I have separate browsers for separate functions. THIS browser is Brave - and I do NOTHING with money, on it.
When I handle money, I use Chromium. ONLY with money or money-related things. Insurance sites, where I have an account. Online banking. Bill paying. Amazon - which I seldom use.
The common, compromised browser, I use for Japanese anime and other throwaway/dangerous activities.
First, I FAR prefer real-time shopping to online. SO many times the crap that's delivered, has little relation to the stuff shown on the website. I want to look, hold it in my hands, and know where the store is, so if it is garbage, I can take it back.
I don't give a flying leap what "Influencers" tell me/people. They're paid to do that. Or promised but not-paid. That shows they're stupid - and I don't need the advice of stupid people.
Third, I'm unimpressed with all this "savings" and "free discounts." That's not a savings - it's an agreeable price to the seller. Nobody's giving anything away. That just tells me how inflated the posted price is.
Used-car dealer techniques, now used by China drop-ship vendors to rip off naive soyboi basement dwellers.
I buy little, now. So the idea of a FICTIONAL $5 savings on a site I'd not used before, or not much, is not impressive. Amazon, for all its flaws, generally has the best price, or has a third-party with a good price. A little better than in stores; and they do accept returns.
This EXCITEMENT among the Pay-Later soyboiz, just baffles me.
And to put an UNKNOWN extension, promoted ONLY by testimonials from unknown people can't even claim any just crazy. Way back in the Windows 2000 days, I had a root-kit put on my machine. I caught it almost right away - it was easy, in those days, to spot unusual computer behavior - the only real loss to me was, the hours in saving data, then formatting and re-installing.
This is product with OBVIOUS malicious intent. Why can people not see it?