Huge Microsoft outage worldwide...

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Ground Beetle
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Sonova Beach
My Commodore-64 works fine. I did not know there was a problem until I read about it.
Repair CrowdStrike’s blue screen of death:

1) Start Windows in Safe Mode or Windows Recovery Environment (Press the F4 key to enter Safe Mode; Press and hold the Windows Key and press the power button, then release both keys to enter Window RE)

2) Go to the C:\Windows\System32\drivers\CrowdStrike directory

3) Locate the file “C-00000291*.sys” and delete it

4) Restart your PC as usual
I cannot access my Christmas savings account. So that's what it's going to be like when they bail-in the banks and stick us with the bill?

Across Philly region, tech outage affects operations at the airport, hospitals, and courts​

Amassive, international technology outage scrambled operations across the Philadelphia region early Friday, with airlines grounding scores of flights, some hospitals canceling elective surgeries, and workplaces shutting down for the day.

The outage that affected computers running the Microsoft operating system around the world appears to have stemmed from an issue with the cybersecurity company, CrowdStrike, which updated its software just before millions of Windows 10 users began reaching error screens.

Companies and government entities were slowly recovering Friday morning. Still, at the Philadelphia International Airport, hundreds of travelers were stuck for hours as flights were indefinitely delayed and communications screens displayed ominous error messages.

Penn Medicine said it was canceling elective surgeries Friday morning and patients received alerts that appointments in some locations would need to be rescheduled. Main Line Health also said it was canceling elective surgeries in departments like plastic surgery and podiatry, and both hospital systems’ websites were down for a few hours.


My MacAir works flawlessly!

What does CrowdStrike have to do with software updates anyway???

Crowdstrike is just a program running on these computers. I think its supposed to be some kind of security system. It's their update that broke the world. Oops. My bad.
My MacAir works flawlessly!

What does CrowdStrike have to do with software updates anyway???

View attachment 13311

CrowdStrike Falcon is a security suite that is a part of the PCI standards for payment gateways. The problem is that there are portions of the software that are integrated into the boot process (the CrowdStrike files mentioned replace or augment the Microsoft versions). When they are corrupted or otherwise unreadable, they can (and did) cause BSOD's (blue screens of death).

The workaround posted by Viking is all good and well, but can't be done remotely as Safe Mode doesn't allow pretty much any all remote access programs to even run. Local access to the affected machine is required, which for many means no fix until a tech goes to site.
My brother was flying back from Fl this morning. 1 hr delay but other than that landing in PBGH just fine. Apparently Southwest wasn't affect by this.
Hmmm a warm up for election counting machines??? tin foil hat just vibrated a bit LOL
Hmmm a warm up for election counting machines??? tin foil hat just vibrated a bit LOL
cyber attack to blame on Russia.

They want war to hide the collapse of the economy after they lower rates.

There''s also the added benefit of hiding all the financial crimes that brought down the economy.
Alex Jones was on Tim Dillon show a few days ago and predicted a cyber attack as well as a bunch of other what comes next type stuff. It's on u tube if anyone is interested
They missed their window for false flag cyber attack-type shenanigans.

The sorts of outages like this one only go against the MIC to cause cyber chaos. When they are genuine faults and not sabotage, the entity involved goes hard to plug holes (real and imagined). The net result is that the job becomes orders of magnitude tougher for the MIC to do their worst.
Mario comes up with some interesting thoughts in this one. Will post a few links below the vid on the same subject matter. DYODD

Financial and Economic Repercussions of a Cyber Pandemic​

Jul 20, 2024 #cbdc #cash #stockmarket


- Are We on the Cusp of Klaus Schwab's Comprehensive Cyber Attack?
- Should We Be Concerned About a Cyber-Attack on Global Financial System?
- Economic Collapse Around the Corner as Globalists Prep Us for Major Cyber Event
- Averting a Cyber Pandemic Part 1 | DAVOS AGENDA 2021
The plot thickens...

CROWDSTRIKE & UKRAINE— How Does Trump Always know???

• “I still ask the FBI, where is the Server? How come the FBI never got the server from the DNC? Where’s the server? I want to see the server?

The server is, they say, is held by a company whose private ownership individual is from UKRAINE!”

• “it’s very interesting, they have the server from the DNC. The FBI went in and told them “Get out of Here. We’re not giving it to you”…

They gave the server to CROWDSTRIKE, or whatever it’s called. Which is a company owned by a very wealthy Ukrainian [Oligarch].

Why did they give it to a Ukrainian company? CROWDSTRIKE.

VIDEO #3 (Media Panic. Damage Control)

Take your pick of reports… the MSM ran an intense coverup & distraction campaign.

VIDEO #4 — Director Comey

• Were you given access to do the forensics on those servers?
—— Comey: We were not. A highly respected private company got access and shared with us (FBI) what they saw there.

In a nutshell…The DNC would NOT give access to the FBI for their servers or John Podesta’s devices, but they would give them to CrowdStrike.

Details & Puzzle Pieces

• CrowdStrike is the cyberfirm that fabricated the entire claim that Russia hacked the DNC, which began Russiagate.
—— they accused Julian Assange of working with Russia.
—— Assange never revealed his source was, but it’s widely suspected and accepted that Seth Rich was the leaker; and they murdered him for it.
—— CrowdStrike was later discovered to be working for the Clinton campaign.
—— FOUR YEARS LATER, CrowdStrike CEO admitted, his contract was NOT with the DNC, but instead "with Michael Sussmann from Perkins Coie." Retained by Sussman & Clinton.

• The entire Russiagate Investigation started because the FBI relied on CROWDSTRIKE rather than independently investigate the "hacked" DNC servers.

NOW, How did Trump know when all intel agencies claimed otherwise?

Trump & the Military absolutely 100% knew what was going on and exactly where those servers were.
—— 1. this is evident when Trump admitted to setting a Trap for Nancy Pelosi and and Adam Schif by allowing them to go through with Impeachment Hoax #2. ()
—— 2. This is evidence when The Biden Bribe Tapes Were “Leaked” — Calls of John Kerry, Biden, and Poroshenko

The globalist Dems and Rino’s panicked, tried to impeach him, released a world wide virus, and now there’s a war in Ukraine… voila… narrative changed…

Now all those same Globalist’s can’t stop worshipping Ukraine, because they’re protecting their own interests and criminal activity…

Let’s not forget what happened In 2014. When The US effectively ran a coup and regime change
—— How The CIA, our US Gov and traitors Obama, Biden, and Nuland (+others) overthrew Ukraine's government in 2014. Nuland was caught on tape planning Ukraines new government shortly after for goodness sake. (

LET’S NOT Forget how they Panicked When Trump was Elected

• Just after Trump was Elected, McCain and Lindsey Graham went to Ukraine, Desperately trying to get control of Eastern Ukraine since Donald Trump was just elected. (
—— After their Trip, McCain and Lindsey Graham come home and desperately try to blame Russia (

Notice a pattern?

A lot of corruption leads back to Ukraine. Clinton’s, Obama, Biden… I would even argue Bush.

It’s not a coincidence Julian Assange was recently released, CROWDSTRIKE just had a Worldwide Outage, and they just tried to kill the man that’s been sniffing them out since he came into office in 2016. They’re panicking….

They’re Fooked…. Time is running out and They know it…
If you follow 'Q' you know this already....
Ferfal's take..................

Sal's take................

My Commodore-64 works fine. I did not know there was a problem until I read about it.

My Linux machine ran fine, too.

I don't need permission from an outfit called "Crowdstrike" to use my machine or communicate with others. What Spectrum does, down the line, I don't know; it didn't really affect me in casual use, yesterday.

But it's one MOAR lesson in why we shouldn't depend on kludgy software, written by dull-normals like Gates and his underlings, to control the systems that allow our daily lives to go on. Starting with that absolute worst-choice software - if Windows was a ship, it would be a ship made of nothing but patches. It would weigh ten times what a proper hull would weigh, and would founder in rainstorm-ripples.

MacOS is far better - being written around the Unix kernel. Unfortunately it's intended to be proprietary - one cannot even plug in an external HD into a box with MacOS, without an elaborate patch.

Best is Linux - again, with Unix as its base. The better distros are stable - I haven't shut this machine off and rebooted it in a month. It will run, easily, on most IBM-Windows boxes, and use a tenth the resources.

And there is no need for a sketchy security program or protocol from a sketchy company run by sketchy people, who think "Crowdstrike" is a winning market brand.
I don't need permission from an outfit called "Crowdstrike" to use my machine or communicate with others. What Spectrum does, down the line, I don't know; it didn't really affect me in casual use, yesterday.

CrowdStrike didn't impact individual users, it was institutional and corporate machines that went tits up.

The failure highlights a problem with Windows in that 3rd party apps are able to cause the PC to shart itself completely. Microsoft could have built a version of Windows where the required security routines were baked into the OS, with the 3rd party app locked out of modifying boot parameters or able to inject itself into the boot routine as the necessary files were already there.

They could have called it Windows 10 PCI.
What I read, it was embedded in individual computers, as a security-verification protocol (there from Microsquish) for payment or identification-verification.
What I read, it was embedded in individual computers, as a security-verification protocol (there from Microsquish) for payment or identification-verification.

It's not embedded, Windows doesn't come with any of the security components that are needed out of the box, it's why CrowdStrike have the Falcon platform for Windows based machines. However after installation, it can appear to have been baked in at the point of manufacture.

Massive IT Hack EXPOSED: Brokerages Still in Chaos!​

Jul 22, 2024 #Hack #CrowdStrike #cyberattack

We're diving deep into the ongoing chaos caused by the massive IT hack that's affecting everything from banks to brokerage firms and even smart appliances. Insiders have finally stepped forward to spill the beans on the Crowd Strike debacle, and it's worse than we thought. Transactions are failing, people can't get their money, and even airlines and hospitals are feeling the pinch.


Here are the links for the stories mentioned in this video:
And here I thought my systems were dated, lol. I've seen these companies before and I know how old many of the systems are that they use. Hence, I was never all too concerned when all the "pros" demand you update to the latest and greatest every year. Pass.

CrowdStrike IT Outage Explained by a Windows Developer​

Ok, now it's getting weird

A few nights ago Azure, the Microsoft cloud hosting service suffered a major outage, followed the next morning by the Crowdstrike outage.

There is more to this than you know.517 KB PNGAzure hosts many systems - websites, corporate servers, virtual machines,even LLM's.

On one of these Azure machines the WH was hosting an Al dataset and model, used to generate Joe Biden (and other administration execs) videos and audio.

They spent significant time and storage to build this out, giving them the ability to place him in all manner of realistic scenarios. When Azure was taken down, the Joe Biden Al was also taken down.

Data suggested this was an intrusion from a foreign actor...In a panic, the WH ordered CrowdStrike to push out an update that would enable to them to track exfiltrated data from the Azure instance, in hopes of preventing it from getting out of their control.

Crowdstrike rushed the job and ended up sending out a bad driver, which bricked a million Fortune 500 workstations.

This created two problems - one, Biden was now a liability because a foreign actor likely had the Al module and could impersonate him.

This meant he had to go. Two, they didn't have the model themselves and couldn't make any new Biden videos.

This is why he has not appeared in public, why he dropped out, and why they are scrambling like chickens with their heads cut off.

And she bases this on what???
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