Hunter moves in to his $15,800/month house

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Unca Walt

Immortal. So far...
GIM2 Refugee
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Glad to see justice done. That traitor Trump. God bless the Bidens and all who fellate.

Hunter Biden moves into $15,800-a-month Malibu home with wife Melissa and son Beau - as Secret Service hunkers down across the road in taxpayer-funded crash pad​

  • Hunter Biden has moved into a three-bed, three-bath home with stunning, panoramic sea views, perched on a hill in a gated community in Malibu, that he will be renting for $15,800 a month
  • can reveal Hunter's Secret Service detail is also renting a four-bedroom home located just across the road on the cul-de-sac that also enjoys ocean views and even a hot tub
  • The new digs mark Hunter's third change of house since moving to California three years ago with his wife Melissa and their three-year-old son Beau
It is what we all hope for: The righteous are rewarded commensurate to their service to mankind.
I thought he just told a judge that he couldn't afford child support payments?
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