If you're wondering about todays gold market dump....

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You shoulda waited until AFTER the election unless you were thinking Kamilla the gorilla was gonna win. THen buying would have made sense.
Oh I know that @Fatrat . I was just having a bit of fun. It's possible that real cuts ala Milei's chainsaw are in the cards, but even with Dr. Paul helping out the DOGE, I have low expectations.
We are kind of like Kamala voters. None of us REALLY wants gold or silver to the moon because we know TSHTF, kind of like none of them REALLY wanted her prez because then TSHTF. Well, maybe the abortion voters, but…..
I added to AGQ and GDXU today when gold was -$87.00. Wish I bought MSTU and MSTX today which are up almost 25% each!
Gotta hand it to Wall Street, they know how to create fear and pick up cheap shares. EXK is my largest holding and on this morning dip as soon as I thought about selling I said F it and just decided anything under 4 is a huge buying op. Never got there but I am ready if it does.
so happy trump is in there. PMs gonna tank for 4 years which is awesome. START ACCUMULATION MODE!!!!
i bought some Pt last night while watching election.....pt didnt get hit to hard as it doesnt have a lot of downside
Palladium did also take a beating, but overall...I'm happy I have been in the game a while,
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