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El Salvador has announced that it will be charging passengers from Africa or India a $1,000 fee. People travelling on passports from India or any one of more than 50 African nations will be obliged to pay the fee, El Salvador’s port authority said in a statement on its website last week.
The $1000 tax is a move to curb migration to the US through the Central American country of El Salvador. Including VAT, the additional cost is $1,130 for travellers from the affected countries. The money raised through the tax will be used to improve the nation’s main international airport, the authority added.
Seems like it might actually be working.Apparently the answer to this mess is to show 'em such a bad time, that they want to leave.
I'm typically not for vigilante groups, but I absolutely understand the frustrations these people are facing.
I know folks who have family and/or friends who own property along the border, as well as near the border, who have dozens, and sometimes hundreds, of illegals pouring across their property at any given moment; it's an almost daily occurrence.
Many times, they're escorted by armed coyotes.
There are distinct trails through long sections of their property. These illegals cut trails through the brush; they leave trash, including a lot of human waste. Sometimes they leave behind tents for the next group to use.
There are several landowners who report that many/most of their trees are gone in large swaths of their land because they've been used for campfires. Many report their wooden fences and/or fence posts have been used as well.
Then there's the "humanitarian groups" in these communities that also trespass on these people's land to leave jugs of water, blankets, various OTC medications, etc.
I know I would be extremely pissed off if I had to put up with all of that. Even more pissed off when my government is not only doing nothing to stop it but actively engaged in programs to make it easier and less dangerous for the illegals.
Local law enforcement/sheriff's departments tell them they aren't allowed to force these people off their land. Many of the agencies say they are prohibited from assisting in the enforcement of federal immigration laws.
I fully understand their frustrations and sympathize with their plight. I support them in their efforts to secure the border, if only on their own land.
Keep in mind our Declaration of Independence states:
“whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends [life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness], it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government.”
That won't work because the guys you support won't agree to do anything to stop it.WTF is the big deal. Each side select a couple of members, go into a room, come up with a sane plan, present it to the rest of the party, both sides get together and vote the plan in, send it to the prez, he or she signs it and it's a done deal.
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