India arrests travelers who tried to smuggle gold in rectum and coffee machine

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Two passengers traveling from Dubai were detained by the customs department at Chaudhary Charan Singh Airport in Uttar Pradesh, India, for their attempt to smuggle 3.5 kilograms of gold into the country.

The incident, which took place on Dec. 30, 2023, is considered the largest gold seizure of the year at this airport, as per officials at Lucknow airport, The Hindustan Times reported.

The seized gold was split into two portions. One half was concealed in a coffee machine within the luggage of one passenger. The remaining half was in a paste form and secreted inside the rectum of the second passenger.

The total weight of the confiscated gold was about 3.497 kilograms, with an estimated value of 20 million rupees (approximately US$240,015).

From 2019:
Carrying gold in “paste form” is the new way adopted by smugglers to dodge metal detectors and X-ray machines installed at various international airports, say sources in the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI).

A senior DRI official said several crime syndicates operating across India have taken to smuggling gold in the paste form.

Over the past couple of months, more than 20 cases of gold paste smuggling have been registered at various international airports in the country.
“Smugglers first convert yellow metal into powder and then produce its compounds in paste form. Around 700 gms of gold can be retrieved from every 1,000 gms of paste by undertaking a chemical procedure,” said a DRI official.

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How did he get the coffee maker up his butt?
What I was wondering...

also wondering why the interest in a barbaric relic - gold??

and how did they find it in his anal orifice??

No, no, no. That's old-school.

These days, everyone is encouraged to use the Biden's new "Decency Lube". It's been approved by "Doctor" Jill. So you know it must be good. :ROFLMAO: I hear it's what the democrat senate staffers are all using.

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Undocumented money transfers are the greatest threat to our democracy!
are we sure that they didnt just have some dirty indians shoved up their ass?
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