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Unca Walt

Immortal. So far...
GIM2 Refugee
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I do not expect to see the lefties touting this BIG move. Bigger than the Banana Republic silliness:

Countless U.S. allies were abandoned, we left our own people behind enemy lines, and the Taliban now has an air force thanks to the actions of the Biden administration.

No one knows why the order was given to collapse the checkpoint barrier right up to the gate, no one knows why security was pulled back before all American personnel and vetted allies were evacuated. …

No one knows why the weapons caches weren’t destroyed or sabotaged before exiting Afghanistan. …No one knows why we gave up Bagram AFB…

All we got, instead of any explanations, was this image aired to the entire world:

Now, one lawmaker is demanding answers from the military leadership—specifically Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin.

Rep. Cory Mills recently made true on earlier promises to file articles of impeachment against Austin and released this statement:

“High-level officials in this administration blatantly ignored intel that Americans and our allied partners in Kabul would be left behind in harm’s way unless the U.S. corrected course in our withdrawal.

As a result, nearly 200 people, including 13 American service members, were murdered at Abbey Gate in Kabul, Afghanistan two years ago.

Because of this clear dereliction of duty, today I am introducing articles of impeachment for Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin.

It’s not enough for Congress to hold committee hearings. We must start taking real action to address the complete failure of this administration.

Tomorrow marks two years to the day that we lost 13 of our brave service members. The fact that it has been two entire years without any member of this administration being held accountable is unfathomable. That changes today.”

Leave Void Austin alone. He can be fired when the time is right.

The Buck Corn Pop's pocket. Which means, Impeachment for the Big Guy.

Anything less is a cowardly shirk of duty.
Leave Void Austin alone. He can be fired when the time is right.

The Buck Corn Pop's pocket. Which means, Impeachment for the Big Guy.

Anything less is a cowardly shirk of duty.
The mountain, CJ, does not get removed all at once.

Actually, the metaphor can be stretched: The mountain can be removed instantly. But then, you have a radioactive smoking crater.

Be careful what you wish for.

Better to take truckloads of dirt away until the mountain is gone. Especially when more and more trucks keep showing up to carry away the debris as time goes on.

BOTTOM LINE: Admit to yourself when progress is made. This is not a two-hour movie, all wrapped up in time for dinner. Where would your mindset be in March, 1942? <-- That was a deep, deep hole. But... One step at a time, until we were all running like the whirlwind.
Can't say I agree...but then, strategy is not my strong suit.

It's interesting, actually. Unlike so many hotheads out there, I see a burning need for a logical, strategic approach to the counter-revolution we're facing. Yet in actually formulating it, I come up empty...
And yet you are truly (I know for a fact) aware of the Law Of War. You know it is not an Internet whimsy. You have skimmed (not read, not thought through to what it means) just skimmed enough to note that it is BIG.

BIG enough to do all the things you decry as lost, undoable, useless. The challenge:

Take me on -- SHOW ME how the Law Of War is NOT activated (Hint: Don't look at Trump's EO or you will have to concede it is in effect as you read this note.)

Show me how the Law Of War is a fantasy. (Be careful not to look in the available government sources you can find by typing, of all things, 2015 Law Of War Manual to get the updates printed by US Gummint.

Show me that the forces Q represents are distraction/pacifiers. Do not look at the statistical impossibilities of all the things posited, then proven. When does coincidence become an impossible answer?

So when statistics showed impossible "coincidences"... you have forgotten them.

When you are shown that the Law Of War is the way to save America from hostile takeover, and it has been activated... you dismissed and forgot it.

If it was March, 1942... Your mindset would be exactly this: We are beaten, those who are supposed to guard the nation are doing nothing. You cannot see anything happening. We are losing on every front. The USA is gone forever.

Well? Show a difference between your mental state today versus where you'd have been in March, 1942. There is none.

You oughta be given an assignment: Shelve your doom and gloom mantle, and lay out precisely you would use the Law Of War if you were in a legal position to do so. And it is activated. Because someone IS in a legal position to do so, and it IS activated.
I'm not aware of what you reference here, as tied to the Constitution. Of course I'm aware of the Nuremberg protocols and the Geneva Convention precepts.

Reading between the lines a bit, I'm guessing you're suggesting that Trump is in fact in power.

There's two separate statuses here: LEGAL authority - that can be defended if challenged; rationally understood - and ACTUAL power - the power held by revolutionaries in occupied territories; the power of pretenders to the throne. The power Zelinskyy holds, thanks to the CIA Color Revolution.

I would submit that Trump only has what power he can control, that his supporters are able AND WILLING to wield. And right now, that is not much - I would posit that millions of people who're at his speaking events, are still fence-sitters when it comes to the ugly side of civil war. They're hoping some police agency, or military unit, or Deux Ex Machina, will reach down and make everything right.
"I'm not aware of what you reference here, as tied to the Constitution."

The above needs my gentle hand. The military -- you included -- made that famous oath a part of your being. It still obtains. You are still accountable, sojer squid.

The military will follow the Constitution against domestic enemies. Still with me? You've BTDT.

The Constitution got amended after the shock of what atomics could do sunk in. It was LEGALLY amended. LEGALLY requiring each and every swingin' dick in the military (and those with boobies, too) to follow the LEGAL orders. And, as you are well aware, ONLY legal orders.

That is where the Law of War comes in. It HAS been activated. I have explained it four times now, but now I just want you the type in <-- nope that requires initiative. Don't type in anything. Just click the link. You can take a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink. Don't be a fukkin' horse: Click the fargin link, READ it and learn what it means.

Wait, I will tell you what it means. You can confirm it. I cannot conceive a more direct way to get the info to you. It means that with the approval of the general population, the US MILITARY can take over hostile enemy territory on USA land (Read: Washington, DC) <-- again, to forestall closed eyes, DC is not a state. It is US territory. It is occupied by the enemy. I know you are keenly aware of the enemy occupation.

Well, the Law of War covers this exact eventuality. Pull up the link and, as a responsible US citizen doing his citizen-duty, read it and learn it clearly.

In conclusion: The military will not and cannot act until the clear majority of Americans are in agreement that the best recourse is US military takeover. This was an impossible requirement just a few hundred days ago. Today, it approaches (ever more rapidly) that crucial tipping point. When it gets there, every one of the Robespierres and Kings and Loyalists will face the guillotine equivalent. Every. Damned. One.

And again -- to pound the obvious: The military is loyal the the oath. Weren't you? I still am. Ask any GI.

No one knows why the weapons caches weren’t destroyed or sabotaged before exiting Afghanistan. …No one knows why we gave up Bagram AFB…

we need a fukin’ military tribunal and ropes for these cucks

Not to worry guys, they are getting to the bottom of it in typical US gov fashion.

Apparently the US military is charging enlisted guys for the gear they were told to leave behind in Afghanistan.

This guy in the vid is getting out, so they gave him a nearly $4000 bill for gear that they wouldn"t let him bring onto the plane when they bugged out.

Beyond comprehension.

Those who survived Pearl Harbor... did they have to pay for their lost equipment when they left the Navy?

The Marines at Frozen Chosin in Korea... lotta equipment they get billed for leaving, too?

The VC stole a tank and kept it at Cu Chi tunnels. Bet them GI's are still paying for it.
This should dry up their recruitment to nothing.

PERFECT excuse for firing up a Draft...with selective focus in Flyover states.

How is it that such stupid people, can be so Satanically inspired to create mayhem and death?
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