It's morning in Biden's America

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I am really of two minds of this.

Depending on where such a trajectory takes us. I don't think this has ever been done before - a deliberate social destruction of a society BY its Elites, through mass Psy-Ops, intending to create complete chaos.

I keep hearing from one sector - mostly favoring the Status Quo, looking for a Superman to save us - I keep hearing, Divide-And-Conquer. We have to stick together...because when they fragment society, they become stronger.

Oh, really? What is powering this, really? What's their leverage, what gives them the tools, enables them to solicit pawns and lieutenants? MONEY. In this case, FAKE money - because REAL money is not available to waste to destroy the creation of real wealth.

What's going to happen when the Smasher-Grabbers, the Honor Students, all have the upper hand? Is the power grid going to stay up, for all these surveillance cameras, all these Electronic Monitoring devices in all these Online Teslas and refrigerators and hot-water tanks?

Nope. It will be chaos.

Humans don't LIKE chaos. Where there's chaos, SOME sort of order emerges. It's either legitimate law - such as a martial government, or a Miner's Committee or similar...or it's a gang, the Cowboys, the White Citizens' Council. Whatever they call it.

In chaos, with the grid down, with communications will be LOCAL. And once up, they are not likely to surrender control to Blue Helmets or others whose legitimacy has been suddenly questioned - since they are the ones who FOMENTED this chaos.

There are two visions of the future, here. One is Brave New World/Fahrenheit 451, with central control by unseen players.

The other is that of James Kunstler's dystopian novels...or that of Lucifer's Hammer, that of small, local, isolated communities.

I'm not sure which one I believe will happen; but as it looks, as society becomes more complex while our leaders more simple...I'm leading towards decentralization.
Gonna say it again: There are still too many pig-stupid Americans out there that would vote to keep the status quo. They'll internally still deny -- thinking it is for the better good -- vote fraud, school perversions, etc.

It HAS to be the majority of American citizens' approval before the Law Of War can come in and clear out the rats infested at all levels of government.

You will have to suffer and wait, bro. To quote Randolph Hearst: "The American public is one immense ass."

But their collective ass is protected by the Constitution. Until the majority wakes up, the military can not move.
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