Jobs, side hustles & life styling for $$$

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I make up to $100,000 a month asking strangers for a tour of their apartment on TikTok. I'm not doing this just to make money — seeing how people live fascinates me.​

Story by (Stefano Montali) • Wednesday

  • Caleb Simpson is a content creator with millions of followers across Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok.
  • His most popular video format is asking strangers what they pay in rent and if he can tour the place.
  • He now makes up to $100,000 a month from brand deals and payouts from the platforms themselves.
This as-told-to essay is based on a conversation with Caleb Simpson, a 31-year-old content creator in New York City. It has been edited for length and clarity.

Full story:


I used Turo to scale my business by renting out 6 'bread-and-butter' vehicles. Last year I made $72,000 and I earn money even when I'm not physically working.​

Story by (Jennifer Ortakales Dawkins) • Tuesday

  • After getting laid off, Lavell Riddle started driving for Uber and Lyft to pay his bills.
  • In 2021, he rented out five vehicles on the car-sharing app Turo to make additional income.
  • Last year, Riddle earned $72,020 in income on Turo.
I really don't understand how someone 'makes' money on social media.

'Somebody' pays for advertising and the number of 'views' one gets for posting a video determines the amount of $ you'll make.

I'm a peculiar person, an 'odd duck' if you will, but online advertisements don't work on me.

Perhaps it's them paying for name recognition? I don't 'get it'. I rarely purchase stuff based upon advertisements.

The best feature of our TV service is I can say "Forward 3 minutes" and viola! I blow right through commercials...!

The advertisers are the suckers in the room.
When a youtube add starts, my mind is focused on the countdown for the skip button to appear.

These professional people walkers charge $30 an hour—and business is booming | Your Morning​

Jun 4, 2018

Co-founders of ‘The People Walker’ discuss how their service works and how it could be compared to many ride sharing apps. 4:52

My Surprising Discoveries In This Hustle vs. Anti-Work Era​

Apr 15, 2023


In today's world, there are two extremes when it comes to personal growth and development - hustle culture and anti-hustle culture. Hustle culture is all about taking massive action to improve yourself, working hard to create the life you want to live, and staying productive now so that you can reap the rewards later

On the other hand, anti-hustle culture encourages us to slow down, simplify our lives, and not push ourselves beyond our limits. Both of these ideologies have their merits, but it can be challenging to navigate through these conflicting values, especially if you're someone who values slow living and simplifying your life

As someone who creates content mainly about slow living, it could be easy to think that big companies and hustle culture are my biggest enemies. However, I don't believe that it's inherently wrong. I appreciate the drive and motivation that comes with hustle culture, and I know that it can inspire people to do things they never imagined they could do. However, I also believe that it's essential to find that balance between pushing ourselves and taking care of ourselves.

For me, slow living and simplifying my life have been key to improving my overall well-being. I believe that life is not just about productivity and improvement; it's about finding joy and fulfillment in the simple things.

In a world that's constantly telling us to do more and be more, it can be challenging to slow down and appreciate the beauty of the present moment. However, I believe that this is essential for our mental and emotional health

Finding that balance between these and the peace within ourselves can be the most challenging part. It's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, but it's crucial to take a step back and reflect on what's truly important.



'Cash stuffing' is set to earn this 31-year-old TikToker $1 million this year — how it can help you get out of debt​

Story by Ryan Ermey • Sunday

If you've heard of "cash stuffing," there's a good chance it's because of Jasmine Taylor.

In early 2021, in an effort to get her debt under control and her spending on track, Taylor began using an all-cash budgeting method, divvying up each paycheck into envelopes earmarked for different spending categories. To keep herself accountable, she posted videos of her budgeting journey on TikTok.

Who'da thought..................

  • Lance Junck, 23, earned $35,000 in just three months selling his ChatGPT course on Udemy.
  • Junck's has enrolled over 15,000 students in his seven-hour "ChatGPT Masterclass."
  • He has no doubt the course will keep selling as people start to recognize "the power of the tool."
Workers are turning to OpenAI's ChatGPT to make their jobs easier — and one guy is raking in tens of thousands of dollars teaching people how.

Somewhere, there is a politician reading that news and musing that Jasmine Taylor is a rookie.
How's holding onto cash work, when we're dealing with a 20-percent CPI increase per year?

Could minimalism be the way to go for a while? Will post some stuff about that when I get the chance.

Side Hustlers Make Up To $38,000 A Month Renting Out Their Boats, Swimming Pools, And Backyards​

Story by Melanie Schaffer • 1h ago

Websites such as Airbnb, Inc (NASDAQ: ABNB) have allowed many homeowners to increase their wealth by renting out properties they own or even their own dwellings for periods of time, creating an avenue for extra, passive income.

In today's world, there are online platforms for almost any conceivable activity, enabling individuals to leverage their existing skills and possessions to generate additional income through a side hustle, according to CNBC.


I have spent the last few days trying to catch up to the year 2023. What did I find? AI is taking over a lot of sales. Places like Etsy, Amazon and ebay can have AI do a good part of the work now. Digital AI is taking art and graphic jobs over. I'm also finding there are some seriously brilliant young people out there who understand there are way to make money with things we probably don't know even exist. Their computer skills are off the chart. Indeed we have a whole lot of people both old and middle age who are being left behind.

He outlines how to buy large denomination Goldbacks, convert them to smaller denominations and then sell them on eBay
I know a guy who makes $1,500 every Sunday selling honey at a local Farmer's Market. He has a dozen hives in his backyard to make it look good, but he says that nobody selling honey at these markets are selling their own honey. He said, "Look, honey flows in Virginia for about 7 weeks. I sell a shit load of honey. No way I could produce enough to satisfy the market." So, he drives up to a distributer in West Virginia every three weeks and buys barrels of honey, which he transports back to his place and packages it and slaps his label on it. He sells out every Sunday. Sure, his jars and labels are overhead, but he's still making good money for a five hour market.

He outlines how to buy large denomination Goldbacks, convert them to smaller denominations and then sell them on eBay
I see all kinds of holes here.

Not that it doesn't work; but the way the arbitrager is exposed, on several levels.

FIRST: What you're dealing with is PAPER GOLD. You have only the full faith and credit of various state governments, that these are backed. Gold in your hand, is money. Paper derivatives, are someone else's liability - dependent on the solvency and integrity of groups of strangers, now in this immoral era.

SECOND: Trust that the paper is genuine. Counterfeiting dollars, is not hard in this technological age. These would appear to be easier yet, and with less legal protection. Printing these up would be not counterfeiting, but merely "forged instruments." Lesser crime and probably little interest with lawless authorities.

THIRD: This all depends on online marketers and currency exchangers - PayPal, Eww Tube, FleaBay. NONE of them are sympathetic to ideas of sound money, protection against government abuse (through digital currency, etc) or free speech. PayPal will seize your account (fine you an absurd amount) for simply expressing unapproved opinions.

There are too many "ifs" and too many fingers in the pot, here.

Do it small scale for pocket money...if you have the accounts lined up, go for it.

To make a killing? You'll be like so many writers and opinionators were, when the various (anti)social-mediuh outlets decided to crush differing opinions.
FIRST: What you're dealing with is PAPER GOLD. You have only the full faith and credit of various state governments, that these are backed.

Well, who doesn't implicitly trust their government?

I know that I do.
That is not correct. Golbacks are physical gold and produced by a company (not government owned).


If you're holding a note that's a CLAIM on gold, that you are NOT are TRUSTING someone else.

If the paper is state-issued, the state is basically vouching the validity that there is gold held according to the certificates out there.

This is the essence of the risk of owning gold certificates, shares, or buying gold bullion coins, and having the seller hold them "securely." He may claim that each owner, or each share or goldback, has identified, safely-identified, ownership; but bullion is fungible. The tendency, started by goldsmiths millennia ago, was to practice "fractional reserve" issuance.

If you're holding a note that's a CLAIM on gold, that you are NOT holding...
Again, Goldbacks are not paper notes. They are .999 fine gold foil. A goldback is fractional gold bullion.
Again, Goldbacks are not paper notes. They are .999 fine gold foil. A goldback is fractional gold bullion.
I'd overlooked that - as I'm jaded from all the Next Big Thing, from Dogecoin to buying new Mercedes cars to sell to Chinese export operatives...I didn't read up on it.

But let's work it through. How will you assay the foil in a note? What's to keep someone from forging these notes, lacking a way to verify?

I have Maple Leafs and Krugerrands. I have bought a few locally, and with hard times and a small pension, sold more, more recently. The guy who runs my favorite shop, knows me ten years - but he still uses his machine to verify that what I'm bringing in is genuine.

As I wanted to see the product I bought, tested. I have no idea what protection against counterfeiting, these will have - much less, long-term acceptance by potential buyers.

This professional dumpster diver makes $5K a month​

Story by Talker News • 4h ago

Meet the woman who has turned dumpster diving into a lucrative job - which can bring in up to $5k a month.

Veronica Taylor, 32, has salvaged items from household brands including Louis Vuitton and Michael Kors.

She donates most of the food and hygiene products she finds to charities and the homeless.


  • JP Mancini quit his corporate job in 2021 and took his boat-chartering side hustle full time.
  • He uses Boatsetter and other small platforms to find clients to rent out his two boats by the hour.
  • In 2022, he made around $500,000 in revenue from businesses in Virginia and Key West, Florida.
This as-told-to essay is based on a conversation with JP Mancini, a 32-year-old entrepreneur from Virginia, about renting out his boats. Insider has verified his income with documentation. The following has been edited for length and clarity.

Far out! Them social media $$$ schemes are just bloody comical.

i can't-& won't speak on these "Goldbacks" coz i hadn't heard of 'em til just now, but other than that, aren't $$$ essentially mere receipts and thusly worthless in of themselves?

Ya know, like,...if the financial markets were again intentionally collapsed,...then mountains of stashed $$$ would be utterly useless aye?

That's just me though, i don't see fiat or digital $$$ as anything beyond monopoly money with an assigned arbitrary exchange value manipulated & imposed by each "nations" respective corporate enslavement agencies.

Tbh i'm skeptical of gold too, but only because i suspect there's a lot more of it than we're led to believe.
Obviously i could be mistaken.

i ain't no super rich cunt, though am almost completely self reliant in terms of the capacity for financial generation, simply by trading materials which i'd randomly figured out years ago how to efficiently & perpetually produce.

Most of the time i simply trade my produce for whatever shit is needed and only trade for $$$ when $$$ are requisite for other exchanges—eg: paying for internet access, $$$ are easier to exchange internationally too.

Guess my point was probably to do with the very apparent common societal [mis]conception regarding $$$ and 'Value'.

Coz the way i see it, $$$ are valueless tokens of exchange and otherwise useless.
While "precious metals" are decent enough stores of accumulated "value"—yet only insofar as the ever fluctuating markets enable.

Frankly imo all that shits secondary to the primary Value generated via productivity—by which i'm meaning being able to produce a physical material.

i dunno much though.
This one's a bit different. It's more about ditching the rat race and simply doing your own thing. Learning how to do without society's bullshit and investing in yourself.

Captain Capitalism/Aaron Clarey Going Off the Grid? #5836

Jun 16, 2023

During the meeting, Kerry Lutz and Aaron Clary discussed the benefits of getting off the societal support and validation grid by building your own home. They argued that this approach could provide economic opportunities and valuable skills, and could be a solution to the housing crisis. They also discussed the potential mental benefits of opting-out of society and rediscovering oneself, but acknowledged that not everyone will participate in this trend.

Aaron suggested that young people should consider building their own homes instead of pursuing higher education, and mentioned the hurdles that come with this unconventional approach, such as the cost of land and the need for skills in carpentry and home repairs. Kerry shared a personal anecdote about fixing a toilet and encouraged listeners to take on household repairs themselves or find a handyman to save money. They also discussed the potential for creative financing, such as rent-to-own, and the availability of resources like YouTube for self-instruction.

In the wrap-up of their interview, Kerry and Aaron discussed where to find Aaron's work and had a brief personal chat about South Dakota and Aaron's personal life. The tone was friendly and casual, with both speakers expressing pleasure in talking to each other.

Visit Aaron's YouTube: / @aaronclarey
Visit FSN at:
If you have a good niche' you can make a living posting videos on YT.

I watch at lest 2 or 3 geniuses per day.

I had followed Clarey for some years. He did a podcast, with some economic news, some political, some anecdotal and random stuff...such as, dropping out and/or going off the grid.

He wrote an interesting book, Enjoy the Decline, counseling that you may as well get your Free (excrement) while you can, because it's all coming down anyway. No sense worrying about what you can't stop - don't work too hard, put your efforts into "what happens AFTER."

Fair enough. But several things happened: First, he had revised his opinions - spiced them with Hopium - with Trump's election. He said in a long-ago interview, he no longer thought antiSocial inSecurity would collapse in his lifetime.

Second, the Eww Toob bots got political. He started getting de-monetized; then he got booted off Apple podcasts. So he decided to drop the nooze stuff.

That wasn't enough, when the Jab mania went into full swing. He started using "Hot Fudge Sundae" as a codeword for the Jab, and that worked for awhile...but he got de-monetized AGAIN.

Meantime, he had started a Life-Coaching business called @$$whole Consulting. He was making some serious money at it - there was a big demand from 20ish men on how to figure out life, etc.

So he started doing SuperChats live on Eww Toob...and now he was making MOAR off A-hoal Consulting. But de-monetization was a REAL danger.

So he left all the "controversial" topics alone. And I'm not interested in his advice to a 19-year-old Army private who's dating a girl he found out was working as an "escort." So, there wasn't anything there for me.

Meantime he was building a home in Rapid City...fleeing Minnehaha. That was supposed to be his redoubt and refuge...but, as we now know, Sour Daiquiri is being overrun by the Woketards, same as Montucky and Ida Hoe. The mental illness that's Woketardedness is planet-wide.

So...I hold no bitterness for Aaron, but he has little to say to people like me, at this point. He's one more Woke casualty.
This is from 08/21. Not a how to just an interesting bump for the thread.

I'm turning $600 into $10,000 EVERY WEEK!!​

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