Kim Jong Il dies in N Korea

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Yellow Jacket
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Floyd, Virginia
Just caught the news on Bloomberg. Died the 17th, and they are saying that the two day delay in the announcement is "faster than usual".

I haven't a clue what this will do to markets, other than that they are sure to "fluctuate" a little on this and subsequent news from the area.
I just saw that at ZH, DCFusor!

Going to be an interesting week in Asia too it looks like. I'll mosey over to the futures ( has a futures tab at their home page) and see how they are taking the news over there.

Kim, Jong-un (the youngest and fattest of his sons) looks like he is at the helm, at least for now. Imagine that! A Communist country has three generations in a row of Kings, err, whatever.

The King is dead! Long live the King!


-- Nikkei down 72
-- Dow Futures down 76
-- The US$ is catching a nice bid at over 80
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This will be interesting. I could see him being worse than his father in an attempt to prove himself. Or, he could just keep the status quo. Or, he could be overwhelmed by senior officials from his father's reign and not really be in control. Or, we may get lucky in that he could actually improve things; hopefully at age 27 he is not quite as crazy as his father and might have some decency in him. I don't have a reference, but I thought I remembered reading in a report when he was declared successor last year that he has spent some time overseas, I want to say he was in Britain.
Hopefully his son is a bit more diplomatic and not viewed as a threat around the world. Let's us remember, well ...

Edit: Looks like the US Dollar is starting to pull back off of intial Asian reaction, gold and silver are about back at even from open.
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They are locked in a box. Revolutions are the product of rising expectations. The least loosening and improvement will cause and allow an uprising by the starving people. I see no short term good from this for them. As for us...watching, too soon to make a decent call.

On the other hand, like Iraq, the people never have known any freedom - for generations. It's not like they would just become citizens of a democracy if their leadership collapsed - they don't know how.
I'm guessing the provocative actions by NK in the last year or two likely meant KJI hasn't been calling the shots for a while now. I don't expect much to change with the way they relate to the rest of the world.
3rd generation leader from the same line. Just call him a king already...
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