Is runnin' for President. He'd be a better choice than RFK jr, as he won't be willing to negotiate away your 2nd Amendment Right.
....and he'd be the first real black American potus, or even vice potus if Trump wins the nomination and picks Larry as a running mate. Which imho would be a very smart move on his part. Or if Larry wins the nom, he can pick Trump as his veep. Either way would be a big win for America.

Elder opposes gun control and any minimum wage, believes climate change policies are not worth the cost, has assailed Roe v. Wade, dismisses gender wage gaps as a myth and maintains that welfare and fatherless families pose far greater threats to society than systemic racism.
....and he'd be the first real black American potus, or even vice potus if Trump wins the nomination and picks Larry as a running mate. Which imho would be a very smart move on his part. Or if Larry wins the nom, he can pick Trump as his veep. Either way would be a big win for America.

Elder opposes gun control and any minimum wage, believes climate change policies are not worth the cost, has assailed Roe v. Wade, dismisses gender wage gaps as a myth and maintains that welfare and fatherless families pose far greater threats to society than systemic racism.