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Sunshine State
GIM2 Refugee
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What statements or concepts have you learned from experience are actually lies?


Yes, LED lightbulbs use less energy, but they do not last anywhere near their projected 10,000 - 50,000 hours. At least not the Walmart brand.

I think incandescent bulbs last longer. I replaced the incandescent bulbs in my home with LEDs and am replacing the LEDs again in less than 3 years.
The light bulb mafia is responsible for that.
We care about you ……
The doctor will make you better …..
Go to college, get some qualifications and you will get a good job …..
My motorbike is faster than yours …..
I’m not scared of you …..
For richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, till death us do part ……

Probably harder to list the truth statements 🙃
Justice is blind.

There is a two-tier justice system in the USA.

In addition, it appears since Congress can legally participate with insider trading that there must be an unwritten rule they can only benefit so much based on a percentage of how much donations they raise for the party?
In addition, it appears since Congress can legally participate with insider trading that there must be an unwritten rule they can only benefit so much based on a percentage of how much donations they raise for the party?
There's no limit. They exempted themselves from the law they enacted that applies to us regular folk.
- Y2k.........planes falling outta the sky, all gonna die

- Vote for me.......I'll set ya free

- My god is better than your god

- Don't listen to them, listen to me

- Straight to hell you nonbelieving heretic
"No one made you take it, it was your choice."
I have been trying for a remote software job for some years now. During the manufactured "crisis", many job postings stated that they required the shot. Of course, I passed them by. I want to work, but I will not work with worthless shit heads that are not capable of using their brains. Or maybe their brains are barely useful for life and worthless for anything higher.

And to repeat myself, this also describes the HR and recruiter people who who are UNQUALIFIED and UNABLE to assess my abilities and experiences to do my job. They should be doing the government paperwork, but somehow they get to step in and trash my information before it gets to the real engineer team, who might actually look at my experience and ability.

Instead of killing all the lawyers, let's kill the upper managers who allow and use HR robots to hire "talent", when they are unable to do so.
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