Lockbit claims hack of the Federal Reserve

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Just in time for the November elections!
I hope they hack the shit out of the cbdc when that finally arrives as well. People tend to forget how vulnerable everyone is to all these online payment systems.

Something smells about this, the story went quiet then had all sorts of talking heads claim the data was from Evolve Bank and that the Fed wasn't hacked.

My take on it is that the Fed was not only hacked, but core systems were exposed and compromised. They spent a metric fuckton of fiat to make sure the data never got out and to ensure the story died very quickly. To that end, Evolve Bank was the sacrificial lamb to make the cover story work.
Can't seem to find too much on the fed being hacked but did come across some articles on lockbit.

... My take on it is that the Fed was not only hacked, but core systems were exposed and compromised. They spent a metric fuckton of fiat to make sure the data never got out ...

So you think the Russian hackers at Lockbit cooperated with the Fed to cover up the story?
So you think the Russian hackers at Lockbit cooperated with the Fed to cover up the story?

It wasn't even a matter of cooperation, from what I've heard their participation was a part of the cover story. Whoever it was that pulled this off, it sure wasn't LockBit.
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