MAHA / farming

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I've been contacted by the Trump transition team to hold some sort of position within the USDA and have accepted one of the six "Advisor to the Secretary" spots. My favorite congressman, Thomas Massie from Kentucky, has agreed to go in as Secretary of Agriculture.

He's been the sponsor of the PRIME ACT, which, if pushed through, would be the biggest shot across the bow of the entrenched industrial meat processing system we've seen in a century. Let liberty ring. Wouldn't that be a change of fortune for Big Ag?

If RFK Jr. goes in as Sec. of Health and Human Services, everything will be inverted. ...

Winds of change coming....
Trimp is assembling the best talent in the USA. Jamie Dimon will be Treasury Secretary..
Trimp is assembling the best talent in the USA. Jamie Dimon will be Treasury Secretary..
That would be an amazing deal for Jamie. I'll bet he has stock options and holding of more than a billion dollars. If he is selected he gets to sell his position tax free. Probably the same deal for Elon who has about 200 billion in stock holdings.

“We’re going to give farmers an off-ramp from the current system that destroys their health, wrecks the soil, makes Americans sick, and destroys family farms.”

1. “We’re going to REWRITE the regulations to give smaller operators a break.”

2. “We’re going to encourage sustainable regenerative farming that can build soil and replenish aquifers.”

3. “We’re going to BAN the worst agricultural chemicals that are already prohibited in other countries, and we’re going to remove conflicts of interest from the USDA dietary panels and commissions.”
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