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not sure if this is legit -- time will tell
BREAKING: Lawyers for Ghislaine Maxwell have just held a press conference and released what they say is a complete list of Epstein Island Lolita Express primary clients. Oddly included complete with political affiliation information for each individual.
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Fake Jeffrey Epstein Flight Logs Lead QAnon Crazies to Target Chrissy Teigen and Beyoncé
Fake Jeffrey Epstein Flight Logs Target Teigen and Beyoncé
A “flight log” of Jeffrey Epstein’s “Lolita Express” private jet containing dozens of Hollywood A-listers has gone viral among the QAnon crowd. It’s laughably fake.www.thedailybeast.com
Also John Roberts SCOTUS isn't on the list and we know he went there.
Fake Jeffrey Epstein Flight Logs Lead QAnon Crazies to Target Chrissy Teigen and Beyoncé
Fake Jeffrey Epstein Flight Logs Target Teigen and Beyoncé
A “flight log” of Jeffrey Epstein’s “Lolita Express” private jet containing dozens of Hollywood A-listers has gone viral among the QAnon crowd. It’s laughably fake.www.thedailybeast.com
... The text itself and the names extracted are not completely accurate, but still accurate enough to be useful. ...
Thank you for raising the BS flag. The promotion of this BS serves only to make those that believe it look stupid.About – Epstein's Black Book
Jeffrey Epstein, an American pedophile, financier, and philantropist had a huge network of rich and powerful acquaintances. Some of these were listed in a contact book found in his New York house when raided by the police. The Little Black Book is presented in a searchable and user friendly...epsteinsblackbook.com
Uh, what?
Actually, posting it helps folks know what is and isn't fake.Thanks for the FAKE NEWS tag. Perpetuating BS makes the people that believe this CRAP look like idiots.
I still find it funny that Ghislaine Maxwell is serving time for selling underage girls to pedophiles and perverts and, yet, nobody can talk about who she was selling them to. I mean, aren't they in any trouble? At all?