Medical preps - natural defenses for the flu

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i suspect this may be true-ish. the redacted's bioweapon has multiplied the numbers/times people getting sick from all kinds of crap

Immune systems seriously weakened by COVID​

Evolving research says COVID leaves many people at heightened risk for other infections​

By Terry PenderRecord Reporter
Tue., Dec. 20, 2022timer2 min. read

“Individuals who are infected with COVID have many fewer T-cells,” said Katzenback. “That’s a problem for us because T-cells are a really important part of our immune system that helps defend us against infection.”

But at least three studies show COVID-19 actually kills off a significant number of the body’s T-cells, so even when a someone recovers from COVID, they are at a heightened risk for other viral, bacterial and fungal infections.

“That is causing a lot of people to go to the emergency rooms, rightly so, to seek medical aid and it is overwhelming our health care system,” said Katzenback.

The only other virus that attacks and kills T-cells is HIV, which causes AIDS, said Katzenback.
Some info on supplements can be found here

In this 33 minute video Jerry Brainum talks about nutriments that could help in keeping covid and other viruses in check should you come down with something. He starts out with a short talk about vaccines (only a few minutes) then gets into the nutriments. At no time does he make any statements about preventing covid or anything else. Just talks about nutriments that could help with symptoms.

Nutrition for increased immune function​

Feb 14, 2023

8:48 vitman d 14:52 zinc (with copper) 19:13 vitaman c 24:50 elderberry (maybe) 25:24 medicinal mushrooms 26:45 astragalus 27:00 garlic 27:32 liqourish 28:22 ecanacia 28:49 protien

Jerry's channel:

He can also be found on other platforms by searching his name.

About Jerry:

In this 33 minute video Jerry Brainum talks about nutriments that could help in keeping covid and other viruses in check ...

... elderberry (maybe) ... ecanacia ...

Elderberry and Echinacia might be detrimental to fighting an infection depending upon the nature of the virus (see last quote/link in the OP).
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