Mike Rowe: This story is everywhere, and it's not being covered | Brian Kilmeade Show

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GIM2 Refugee
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Mike talks about the worker shortage in the nation.

Mike Rowe: This story is everywhere, and it's not being covered | Brian Kilmeade Show​


Mike Rowe Takes Up CLASS WARFARE with Victor Davis Hanson | The Way I Heard It.​

Communism comrade. We need more welfare.
Too many bosses fucking people over, might as well work for yourself OFF THE BOOKS...
Thinking about it, our MASSIVE military sucks up a lot of manpower to keep certain people safe...
Thinking about it, our MASSIVE military sucks up a lot of manpower to keep certain people safe...
As do government employees who take a salary (tax burden on the debt slaves) and produce nothing for the economy.
Truth of the matter is, our local government is having a hard time finding Blue Collar workers too...
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