Miles Guo: Chinese businessman with ties to Steve Bannon arrested by FBI for host of crimes

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Steve Bannon’s 'sugar daddy' arrested by FBI​

The U.S. Dept. of Justice has announced a twelve-count indictment charging Ho Wan Kwok with crimes including wire fraud, securities fraud, bank fraud, and money laundering in what it alleges is a more than “$1 Billion Dollar Fraud Conspiracy.” Kwok, who uses numerous alias including Guo Wengui, was arrested Wednesday morning.



Bannon-allied businessman arrested in $1 billion fraud conspiracy​

Mar 15, 2023

Exiled Chinese billionaire Guo Wengui, an associate of Steve Bannon, was arrested by federal authorities in New York and is accused of orchestrating a $1 billion fraud scheme. The Daily Beast’s Jose Pagliery joins Chris Hayes with the latest. 7:18

Political Dissident or $1 Billion Fraudster? A Chinese Tycoon Heads to Trial​

Guo Wengui, a showy Beijing property-developer-turned-critic of China, will face trial Wednesday in New York on federal racketeering charges that allege he leveraged opposition to the Chinese Communist Party into a $1 billion fraud that funded his own lavish lifestyle.

The case against Guo, who joined forces with Americans like former Trump adviser Steve Bannon and hedge-fund manager Kyle Bass to build a business around their shared criticism of Beijing, mixes Chinese money and intrigue with Wall Street and the media, against a backdrop of allegations of Beijing law enforcement meddling on U.S. soil.

An enigmatic character thought to be in his mid-50s and known by a half-dozen names, including Miles Kwok, Guo built fabulous wealth in China with projects to suit Beijing’s priorities, like a dragon-shaped complex for the 2008 Summer Olympic Games.

Then a decade ago, Guo self-exiled to the U.S., where he began to trumpet scathing corruption allegations against senior members of the Chinese Communist Party. His outspokenness sparked a manhunt in the U.S. by Chinese agents and endeared Guo to Beijing critics, thousands of whom poured money into his ventures.


Just more political persecution by the America hating democ...., err, I mean TDS suffering communists we've somehow let run our government.
Just more political persecution by the America hating democ....,

Funny you say this.

I consider Trump, every congress critter that supported Trump's attempt to overthrow our government by overturning the 2020 election and most maga peeps to be democracy & freedom loathing traitors to the American way of life.

Seems we both look at the other side in exactly the same.

Ask yourself who was it that requested 10,000 NG troops to help ensure the peace on Jan 6th, and who denied that request.

I'll give ya a clue. It was Trump who requested them and piglosi who denied it.

Why would anyone wanting to throw a coup, request more gov troops to be there?
Answer, they wouldn't.

Why didn't the many undercover fbi agents in crowd not drop cover in order to help stop it?

Because they wanted and encouraged it to happen.

Just like them colluding to send all that stuff to Mar A Lago just so they could fabricate a case against Trump.

It's a fact that NARA sent all that stuff to Trump. He didn't pack it up himself and load it in his car to take with him. The gov knowingly sent it.
Seems we both look at the other side in exactly the same.
Not quite. Those against Trump seem to be ok with pedophilia. We have proof that his own daughter was hypersexualized as a child and that her dad took showers with her.
Ashley has acknowledged that the diary is real.

Is it ever ok for a dad to shower with his 14yo daughter?

I tend to shy away from this subject due to the veracity of the information. If this kind of stuff were true, I think he would have been impeached.

So much misinformation, disinformation and outright lies have become normal since Trump hit the political scene that you simply don't know what to believe. And he (Trump) has normalized attacks on his opponent's families. What we have going on now is an attack on reality. Makes me think the Russians are involved. A big psyop.
I tend to shy away from this subject due to the veracity of the information. If this kind of stuff were true, I think he would have been impeached.
It's been confirmed. Ashley Biden wrote a letter to the Court acknowledging that the diary is in fact hers.

In it she wrote of being hypersexualized as a child, and of having to take showers late at night in order to avoid her dad (Joe Biden) coming into the shower with her.

Up until now, she had not acknowledged that the diary was hers, so you could say that plausable deniability did exist.

However, now that she has stated that is in fact her diary, we can state as fact that Joe took showers with her as child going through puberty.

Imagine how you would (rightly) feel if there were evidence of Trump showering with a 14yo Ivanka.

Now apply that same feelings toward Biden.

As for impeachment, does showering with and sexualizing your own child count as "high crimes and misdemeaners"?
It's perverted and warped.
On that, we are in complete agreement.

Now, how do you feel about Joe (and prolly Hunter too) doing that Ashley?

Children should have the chance to grow up unmolested. She, by her own words, didn't get to do that.

Children should be protected from people who would do that. She wasn't.
Now, how do you feel about Joe (and prolly Hunter too) doing that Ashley?

If it did indeed happen it ain't right and should be looked into.

As to it being looked into, I would say let the authorities do the looking. I know the damage false accusations can do to someone's reputation and life.

Remember the guy who showed up to a pizza shop over outright lies?

If it did indeed happen it ain't right and should be looked into.
I'm sure the statute of limitations has expired on it.

Would you support changing the law in order to be able to prosecute Joe like the way they changed the law in NY in order to facilitate E Jean Carroll to go sue Trump after the statute of limitations has already expired in her case?

As to it being looked into, I would say let the authorities do the looking.
Problem with that, is the fact that current authorities (DOJ etc) are protecting Joe, not trying to investigate him.

There's no one trying to stand up for poor abused Ashley.

I know the damage false accusations can do to someone's reputation and life
It is not a false allegation. She wrote it in her own diary and then publicly acknowledged that it was in fact her diary.

If it wasn't true, why would she write such a thing about her own dad?

Is she a known liar who would make such false allegations against her dad? Not that I know of.

Remember the guy who showed up to a pizza shop over outright lies?
Again, with Ashley, we are dealing with her own words as a 14yo girl, that she actively had to avoid her dad in order to simply be able to shower alone.

I feel sorry for her. No child deserves having that done to them.
In her own words:

After being the victim of a crime in my early twenties, I developed PTSD. The journal that was stolen was part of my efforts to heal.

I am a private citizen, targeted only because my father happened to be running to be President. In other words, the extensive work I have done to move past my trauma was undone by Ms. Harris's actions. …

Although this criminal act happened more than three years ago, because of the publicity it drew—exactly as Ms. Harris intended—I am constantly re-traumatized by it. I will forever have to deal with the fact that my personal journal can be viewed online.

Repeatedly, I hear others grossly misinterpret my once-private writings and lob false accusations that defame my character and those of the people I love

Now they try to say that the actual entry hasn't been authenticated.

She's never denied writing it, and doesn't claim that the "shower's with dad" part was forged.
@searcher , and we both know that if it were Ivanka's diary saying that Trump took showers with her as a young teen, you'd be posting all about it.
We seem to have a political class that can't stop thinking with their private parts. There's a reason congress has a mulitmillion dollar slush fund to handle sexual harassment claims. The hoes get paid off and politicians get to do whatever they want to whomever they want without charges.
I dont think either side is innocent when it comes to sex crimes. I think the republicans have done a better job thus far of covering it up. The left is just the opposite. they flaunt it in our faces, get right down to it and video it in the Senate chambers. Hunter is a disgusting human being and that probably stems from his Dad. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
I dont think either side is innocent when it comes to sex crimes.
With the difference being in the case of Trump, that all his were with legal age women who were consenting at the time. Ie: a non-issue.
.....and he survived a $35 million dollar, multi-year investigation that tried to dig up as much dirt on him as possible. Had they uncovered evidence of him diddling little girls, we'd have never heard the end of it.
.....and everyone reading, knows it.

With Biden on the other hand, we have video covering many years of his highly questionable behavior around children. Sniffing them, whispering in their ears, inappropriate touching, etc etc.

Which when examined in isolation, might be attributed to him trying (somehow) to appear friendly.
....but in light of his daughter's diary writings about him taking showers with her, (what kinda "dad" would do that?) it strongly appears that he has a "thing" for young teen and pre-teen girls.

That's certainly what the preponderance of evidence suggests. Too bad our nations top law enforcement is protecting him, as opposed to investigating him.

Oh well, orange man bad.
I suppose that makes it better to have a likely pedophile in the white house than someone who merely makes mean Tweets.
Back on track:

Exiled Chinese businessman's $1 bln fraud trial to begin in US on Friday​

May 24 (Reuters) - Exiled Chinese businessman Miles Guo's fraud trial is expected to kick off on Friday in Manhattan with an opening statement from prosecutors, who say he conned investors and customers out of more than $1 billion through a fraudulent business empire.

U.S. District Judge Analisa Torres will first finish picking a jury to hear federal prosecutors' case alleging Guo used his prolific online presence and hundreds of thousands of followers to bring in funds he spent on himself and his family.

Guo, who is known by several names including Guo Wengui, Miles Kwok and Ho Wan Kwok, has been jailed in Brooklyn since his March 2023 arrest.

His defense team is also expected to give an opening statement on Friday.

Starting in 2018, prosecutors say Guo touted financial opportunities in Mandarin language online videos, offering investments in his media company, a purported cryptocurrency venture, and a farm loan program, as well as membership in what was billed as an exclusive club offering concierge services.



Executive with ties to Bannon convicted in billion-dollar fraud scheme​

An exiled Chinese businessman who once had close ties to former White House adviser Stephen K. Bannon was convicted of defrauding his online followers of more than $1 billion, federal prosecutors said Tuesday.

Guo Wengui, also known as Miles Guo, was charged last year with wire fraud and money laundering after using money from thousands of followers to support an “extravagant lifestyle,” prosecutors said in their indictment.

Guo began amassing a following around 2018 through several avenues, according to prosecutors, including his web network called GTV Media Group, which researchers said spread disinformation about the coronavirus and the 2020 election.

In the March 2023 indictment filed in the Southern District of New York, prosecutors said Guo had “led a complex conspiracy” to solicit funds that he used to pay for a yacht, luxury car and 50,000-square-foot mansion. He was convicted on nine of 12 counts after a trial that lasted about two months.


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