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472. Flash-Mob Warfare: Whispers in the Digital Sandstorm (Part 1)
[Editor’s Note: Storytelling is one of Army Mad Scientist’s most effective tools in exploring the broad range of possibilities within the Operational Environment. Employing creative fictional writing and narrative building helps us to explore how concepts, technologies, and other capabilities could be employed and operationalized.
Army Mad Scientist welcomes returning blogger Dr. Rob Smith with today’s fictional intelligence (FICINT) submission, exploring how our pacing challenge — China — could achieve the reunification of Taiwan. Through the masterful and innovative harnessing of disparate, liminal disruptions — including generating a fake “natural” disaster with our Russian and North Korean adversaries and exploiting the ensuing humanitarian crisis; launching disruptive cyber-attacks; executing influence operations via mis- and disinformation, deceptive narratives, and flash mobs; and exploiting the twin distractions of an Iranian-generated international crisis in the Persian Gulf and a kinetic strike masked as an accident near INDO-PACOM Headquarters in Hawaii — China is able to achieve President Xi Jinping’s objective of reunification.
472. Flash-Mob Warfare: Whispers in the Digital Sandstorm (Part 1) | Mad Scientist Laboratory
Act 1: Faking a Natural Disaster to Create a Data Blockademadsciblog.tradoc.army.mil
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