Mitt Romney out in 2024

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I hate to say this, in his defense...but it's a bit of proof that he's more substantive than the average lifer or party hack. He's 75; in apparent good health (unlike so many of these palsied, overweight, under-exercised Swamp Creatures) and is retiring.

Remember when he burst on the scene, 2007? Nice story. Seemed he had some intellectual weight - and he'd run some high-dollar businesses. We couldn't know he'd become addicted to office, to chase a fresh Senate seat, all the way to Utah, where he was never from. We couldn't know that the Swamp owned him, to where he'd deliberately throw a Presidential election to appease them.

Or that he'd join the howling TDS mobs. That, too, was not expected.

Perhaps Epstein had him on camera getting his tool polished by the "ladies." Because this choice, unlike all the ones he's made in 16 years, is more of the pre-Swamp Romney.

Get outta here! had a chance to REALLY change history, and you absolutely blew it.
Clearly not because of his age and I'm sure he did not just get bored of bending people over. Either way this is terrific news for everyone who isn't a NeoCon.
Gee, if there was some way to understand why such a young Mitt Romney wasn't going to run for election.

I mean he has all that charm and connections around the world from his long time in public office.

What ever could be the reason...?

He's a steaming pile of shit in a skin suit. The only reason he is getting out is because there is little money left to steal and he knows he will be Liz Cheney'd next election. He's up to his neck in this Ukraine Burisma money laundering crap as well.

It wasn’t 2012 Presidential loser Mitt Romney’s faith that caused him to vote to impeach President Trump, whom he once begged to rescue him from political oblivion. While Romney, who undoubtedly entertained visions of succeeding a President Trump after his vote helped remove from office, says it was his faith that caused him to believe Trump really did abuse his power to pressure the Ukrainians to dig up dirt on the Bidens, more likely it was because that Romney wanted to put an end to an administration that might expose his link to the Bidens and Burisma,

Romney will go down in the history as the only senator to vote to impeach a member of his own party, but the question remains why he retained such animus against the man who forgave Romney his 2016 rant warning, as Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, and that seditious bunch later would, that Donald J. Trump was an unhinged danger. Trump supported Romney’s Utah Senate run. Et tu, Mitt?

Why, as CNN put it, has Mitt Romney "been a lone Republican voice expressing concern about President Donald Trump's July phone call with Volodymyr Zelensky in which Trump asked Ukraine's President to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his family"?

Little notice has been paid to the fact that Joseph Cofer Black, a former CIA operative, served as Romney’s special adviser in his 2012 campaign for President. As Breitbart News reported at the time:

Cofer Black would come to know Hunter Biden as well. Black would wind up serving on the board of the Ukrainian gas company Burisma at the same time that Hunter, who had no special knowledge of Ukraine or the energy business, was being paid ungodly sums to curry influence with the Obama-Biden administration. Was Black also hired because he was an adviser to a former governor and future senator with good connections in the Washington swamp? As The Federalist reported last September:

There is no doubt that Burisma as was stockpiling people on its board who could provide it with cover from prying investigations, like the son of a vice president and a special adviser to a GOP presidential candidate. The nature of Hunter’s job is known -- his father, Vice President Joe Biden, would get a Ukrainian prosecutor fired, taking the heat off Burisma to protect his son. What Black’s role was, or why he was on the board other than providing potential access is unclear. But certainly, he could tell us something about the Burisma-Hunter connection.

True, Romney did vote to call witnesses, but there was no guarantee Hunter Biden would make the short list. Black’s name wasn’t even mentioned. Romney was willing to risk Hunter Biden being called if other witnesses like John Bolton could potentially help get Trump out of office.

Why was Black on the Burisma board at the same time as Hunter Biden? Mere coincidence? What did he know and when did he know it? What did Romney know and when did he know it? Why was a former adviser to the only Republican senator to vote to impeach the President who legally asked the Ukrainians, in accordance with treaty and U.S. law, if they knew anything about Ukrainian corruption and possible interference in U.S. elections, on the Burisma board? Romney’s former adviser could tell us much.


Yea, that clearly was the implied answer to me. He didn't just quit willingly.
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