Deal: Modern 90pct silver coins

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Apparently these are selling with a lower premium that pre-65 90% silver.
Buy them as proof sets on secondary market. Often under the current spot on the bay. They hover around $40/set with dealers selling multiple sets in lots under or very close to spot.
Current melt of silver plus the $1.06 of base metal coins makes 1999-2004 sets $39.33. Newer sets might have more dollar coins, or an extra nickel or quarter.
Since they are “collectible” they don’t track with spot always
I have seen these offered at coin shows at the same price as junk silver. They go pretty quickly, though.
Modern USA gold commerative medals that are 90% au + 10% cu usually had the lowest premiums until recently which are currently krugerrands, 100 coronas and sovereigns.

The US mint makes a lot of dogs if proofs are going for scrap. Don't get me started, but they really did a poor job of lobbying congress about the metal composition of new Morgans and Peace dollars. They should have been 90% instead of .999, but I understand other factors such as blanks and whatnot.
While I have some of the modern 90% just isn't attractive to me as a silver product or as recognizable as the pre 64 circulated
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