Modern medicine could be built on lies, damned lies and statistics...

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Ground Beetle
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Sonova Beach

The ramifications of this are enormous.
For example, I saw a video (yea great research I know) from a vet. He was recommending Garlic for dogs. Now I do know that garlic has lots of benefits for people but had believed the common "knowledge" that it was toxic for dogs.

Turns out the vet explained the "study" that everyone used to convince people of that fact. They used a study of 4 Beagles, I'm looking at you Dr. Evil, destroyer of Beagles. They gave those 4 dogs huge doses of a garlic extract by feeding tube for 7 days. Then they observed the anemia that did cause. So just more junk science that appears like they wanted an excuse to not give dogs garlic.
My dog eats garlic all the time, she loves the meat I prepare for souvlakia

It's not just medicine. Throw in All of "Science".

Don't confuse what's being passed off as science and the actual scientific method. There is a Grand Canyon between the two.
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